pyreduce package


pyreduce.clipnflip module

Module that
  • Clips remove pre- and overscan regions
  • Flips orients the image so that orders are roughly horizontal
pyreduce.clipnflip.clipnflip(image, header, xrange=None, yrange=None, orientation=None, transpose=None)[source]

Process an image and associated FITS header already in memory as follows: 1. Trim image to desired subregion: newimage = image(xlo:xhi,ylo:yhi) 2. Transform to standard orientation (red at top, orders run left to right)

  • image (array[nrow, ncol]) – raw image to be processed.
  • header (fits.header, dict) – FITS header of the image
  • xrange (tuple(int, int), optional) – column - range to keep in the image (default: data from header/instrument)
  • yrange (tuple(int, int), optional) – row - range to keep in the image (default: data from header/instrument)
  • orientation (int, optional) – number of counterclockwise 90 degrees rotation to apply to the image (default: data from header/instrument)
  • transpose (bool, optional) – if True the image will be transposed before rotation (default: data from header/instrument)

image – clipped and flipped image

Return type:

array[yrange, xrange]


NotImplementedError – nonlinear images are not supported yet

pyreduce.combine_frames module

Combine several fits files into one master frame

Used to create master bias and master flat

pyreduce.combine_frames.calculate_probability(buffer, window, method='sum')[source]

Construct a probability function based on buffer data.

  • buffer (array of shape (nx, ny)) – buffer
  • window (int) – size of the running window
  • method ({"sum", "median"}, optional) – which method to use to average the probabilities (default: “sum”) “sum” is much faster, but “median” is more resistant to outliers

weights – probabilities

Return type:

array of shape (nx, ny - 2 * window)

pyreduce.combine_frames.combine_bias(files, instrument, mode, extension=None, plot=False, plot_title=None, science_observation_time=None, **kwargs)[source]

Combine bias frames, determine read noise, reject bad pixels. Read noise calculation only valid if both lists yield similar noise.

  • files (list(str)) – bias files to combine
  • instrument (str) – instrument mode for modinfo
  • extension ({int, str}, optional) – fits extension to use (default: 1)
  • xr (2-tuple(int), optional) – x range to use (default: None, i.e. whole image)
  • yr (2-tuple(int), optional) – y range to use (default: None, i.e. whole image)
  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – datatype of the combined bias frame (default: float32)

bias image and header

Return type:

bias, bhead

pyreduce.combine_frames.combine_calibrate(files, instrument, mode, mask=None, bias=None, bhead=None, norm=None, bias_scaling='exposure_time', norm_scaling='divide', plot=False, plot_title=None, **kwargs)[source]

Combine the input files and then calibrate the image with the bias and normalized flat field if provided

  • files (list) – list of file names to load
  • instrument (Instrument) – PyReduce instrument object with load_fits method
  • mode (str) – descriptor of the instrument mode
  • mask (array) – 2D Bad Pixel Mask to apply to the master image
  • bias (tuple(bias, bhead), optional) – bias correction to apply to the combiend image, if bias has 3 dimensions it is used as polynomial coefficients scaling with the exposure time, by default None
  • norm_flat (tuple(norm, blaze), optional) – normalized flat to divide the combined image with after the bias subtraction, by default None
  • bias_scaling (str, optional) – defines how the bias is subtracted, by default “exposure_time”
  • plot (bool, optional) – whether to plot the results, by default False
  • plot_title (str, optional) – Name to put on the plot, by default None

  • orig (array) – combined image with calibrations applied
  • thead (Header) – header of the combined image


ValueError – Unrecognised bias_scaling option

pyreduce.combine_frames.combine_frames(files, instrument, mode, extension=None, threshold=3.5, window=50, dtype=<class 'numpy.float32'>, **kwargs)[source]

Subroutine to correct cosmic rays blemishes, while adding otherwise similar images.

combine_frames co-adds a group of FITS files with 2D images of identical dimensions. In the process it rejects cosmic ray, detector defects etc. It is capable of handling images that have strip pattern (e.g. echelle spectra) using the REDUCE modinfo conventions to figure out image orientation and useful pixel ranges. It can handle many frames. Special cases: 1 file in the list (the input is returned as output) and 2 files (straight sum is returned).

If the image orientation is not predominantly vertical, the image is rotated 90 degrees (and rotated back afterwards).

Open all FITS files in the list. Loop through the rows. Read next row from each file into a row buffer mBuff[nCol, nFil]. Optionally correct the data for non-linearity.


Go through the row creating "probability" vector. That is for column iCol take the median of
the part of the row mBuff[iCol-win:iCol+win,iFil] for each file and divide these medians by the
mean of them computed across the stack of files. In other words:
>>> filwt[iFil] = median(mBuff[iCol-win:iCol+win,iFil])
>>> norm_filwt = mean(filwt)
>>> prob[iCol,iFil] = (norm_filtwt>0)?filwt[iCol]/norm_filwt:filwt[iCol]

This is done for all iCol in the range of [win:nCol-win-1]. It is then linearly extrapolated to
the win zones of both ends. E.g. for iCol in [0:win-1] range:
>>> prob[iCol,iFil]=2*prob[win,iFil]-prob[2*win-iCol,iFil]

For the other end ([nCol-win:nCol-1]) it is similar:
>>> prob[iCol,iFil]=2*prob[nCol-win-1,iFil]-prob[2*(nCol-win-1)-iCol,iFil]


Once the probailities are constructed we can do the fitting, measure scatter and detect outliers.
We ignore negative or zero probabilities as it should not happen. For each iCol with (some)
positive probabilities we compute tha ratios of the original data to the probabilities and get
the mean amplitude of these ratios after rejecting extreme values:
>>> ratio = mBuff[iCol,iFil]/prob[iCol,iFil]
>>> amp = (total(ratio)-min(ratio)-max(ratio))/(nFil-2)
>>> mFit[iCol,iFil] = amp*prob[iCol,iFil]

Note that for iFil whereprob[iCol,iFil] is zero we simply set mFit to zero. The scatter (noise)
consists readout noise and shot noise of the model (fit) co-added in quadratures:
>>> sig=sqrt(rdnoise*rdnoise + abs(mFit[iCol,iFil]/gain))

and the outliers are defined as:
>>> iBad=where(mBuff-mFit gt thresh*sig)

>>> Bad values are replaced from the fit:
>>> mBuff[iBad]=mFit[iBad]

and mBuff is summed across the file dimension to create an output row.
  • files (list(str)) – list of fits files to combine
  • instrument (str) – instrument id for modinfo
  • mode (str) – instrument mode
  • extension (int, optional) – fits extension to load (default: 1)
  • threshold (float, optional) – threshold for bad pixels (default: 3.5)
  • window (int, optional) – horizontal window size (default: 50)
  • mask (array(bool), optional) – mask for the fits image (default: None)
  • xr (int, optional) – xrange (default: None)
  • yr (int, optional) – yrange (default: None)
  • debug (bool, optional) – show debug plot of noise distribution (default: False)
  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – datatype of the combined image (default float32)

combined image data, header

Return type:

combined_data, header

pyreduce.combine_frames.combine_polynomial(files, instrument, mode, mask, degree=1, plot=False, plot_title=None)[source]

Combine the input files by fitting a polynomial of the pixel value versus the exposure time of each pixel

  • files (list) – list of file names
  • instrument (Instrument) – PyReduce instrument object with load_fits method
  • mode (str) – mode identifier for this instrument
  • mask (array) – bad pixel mask to apply to the coefficients
  • degree (int, optional) – polynomial degree of the fit, by default 1
  • plot (bool, optional) – whether to plot the results, by default False
  • plot_title (str, optional) – Title of the plot, by default None

  • bias (array) – 3d array with the coefficients for each pixel
  • bhead (Header) – combined FITS header of the coefficients

pyreduce.combine_frames.fix_bad_pixels(probability, buffer, readnoise, gain, threshold)[source]

find and fix bad pixels

  • probability (array(float)) – probabilities
  • buffer (array(int)) – image buffer
  • readnoise (float) – readnoise of current amplifier
  • gain (float) – gain of current amplifier
  • threshold (float) – sigma threshold between observation and fit for bad pixels

input buffer, with bad pixels fixed

Return type:


pyreduce.combine_frames.running_median(arr, size)[source]

Calculate the running median of a 2D sequence

  • seq (2d array [n, l]) – n datasets of length l
  • size (int) – number of elements to consider for each median

running median

Return type:

2d array [n, l-size]

pyreduce.combine_frames.running_sum(arr, size)[source]

Calculate the running sum over the 2D sequence

  • arr (array[n, l]) – sequence to calculate running sum over, n datasets of length l
  • size (int) – number of elements to sum

running sum

Return type:

2D array

pyreduce.continuum_normalization module

Find the continuum level

Currently only splices orders together First guess of the continuum is provided by the flat field

class pyreduce.continuum_normalization.Plot_Normalization(wsort, sB, new_wave, contB, iteration=0, title=None)[source]

Bases: object

plot(wsort, sB, new_wave, contB, iteration)[source]
pyreduce.continuum_normalization.continuum_normalize(spec, wave, cont, sigm, iterations=10, smooth_initial=100000.0, smooth_final=5000000.0, scale_vert=1, plot=True, plot_title=None)[source]

Fit a continuum to a spectrum by slowly approaching it from the top. We exploit here that the continuum varies only on large wavelength scales, while individual lines act on much smaller scales

TODO automatically find good parameters for smooth_initial and smooth_final TODO give variables better names

  • spec (masked array of shape (nord, ncol)) – Observed input spectrum, masked values describe column ranges
  • wave (masked array of shape (nord, ncol)) – Wavelength solution of the spectrum
  • cont (masked array of shape (nord, ncol)) – Initial continuum guess, for example based on the blaze
  • sigm (masked array of shape (nord, ncol)) – Uncertainties of the spectrum
  • iterations (int, optional) – Number of iterations of the algorithm, note that runtime roughly scales with the number of iterations squared (default: 10)
  • smooth_initial (float, optional) – Smoothing parameter in the initial runs, usually smaller than smooth_final (default: 1e5)
  • smooth_final (float, optional) – Smoothing parameter of the final run (default: 5e6)
  • scale_vert (float, optional) – Vertical scale of the spectrum. Usually 1 if a previous normalization exists (default: 1)
  • plot (bool, optional) – Wether to plot the current status and results or not (default: True)

cont – New continuum

Return type:

masked array of shape (nord, ncol)

pyreduce.continuum_normalization.splice_orders(spec, wave, cont, sigm, scaling=True, plot=False, plot_title=None)[source]

Splice orders together so that they form a continous spectrum This is achieved by linearly combining the overlaping regions

  • spec (array[nord, ncol]) – Spectrum to splice, with seperate orders
  • wave (array[nord, ncol]) – Wavelength solution for each point
  • cont (array[nord, ncol]) – Continuum, blaze function will do fine as well
  • sigm (array[nord, ncol]) – Errors on the spectrum
  • scaling (bool, optional) – If true, the spectrum/continuum will be scaled to 1 (default: False)
  • plot (bool, optional) – If true, will plot the spliced spectrum (default: False)

NotImplementedError – If neighbouring orders dont overlap


spec, wave, cont, sigm – spliced spectrum

Return type:

array[nord, ncol]

pyreduce.cwrappers module

Wrapper for REDUCE C functions

This module provides access to the extraction algorithms in the C libraries and sanitizes the input parameters.

pyreduce.cwrappers.slitfunc(img, ycen, lambda_sp=0, lambda_sf=0.1, osample=1)[source]

Decompose image into spectrum and slitfunction

This is for horizontal straight orders only, for curved orders use slitfunc_curved instead

  • img (array[n, m]) – image to decompose, should just contain a small part of the overall image
  • ycen (array[n]) – traces the center of the order along the image, relative to the center of the image?
  • lambda_sp (float, optional) – smoothing parameter of the spectrum (the default is 0, which no smoothing)
  • lambda_sf (float, optional) – smoothing parameter of the slitfunction (the default is 0.1, which )
  • osample (int, optional) – Subpixel ovsersampling factor (the default is 1, which no oversampling)

spectrum, slitfunction, model, spectrum uncertainties

Return type:

sp, sl, model, unc

pyreduce.cwrappers.slitfunc_curved(img, ycen, tilt, shear, lambda_sp, lambda_sf, osample, yrange, maxiter=20, gain=1)[source]

Decompose an image into a spectrum and a slitfunction, image may be curved

  • img (array[n, m]) – input image
  • ycen (array[n]) – traces the center of the order
  • tilt (array[n]) – tilt (1st order curvature) of the order along the image, set to 0 if order straight
  • shear (array[n]) – shear (2nd order curvature) of the order along the image, set to 0 if order straight
  • osample (int) – Subpixel ovsersampling factor (the default is 1, no oversampling)
  • lambda_sp (float) – smoothing factor spectrum (the default is 0, no smoothing)
  • lambda_sl (float) – smoothing factor slitfunction (the default is 0.1, small smoothing)
  • yrange (array[2]) – number of pixels below and above the central line that have been cut out
  • maxiter (int, optional) – maximumim number of iterations, by default 20
  • gain (float, optional) – gain of the image, by default 1

spectrum, slitfunction, model, spectrum uncertainties

Return type:

sp, sl, model, unc

pyreduce.datasets module

Provides example datasets for the examples

This requires the server to be up and running, if data needs to be downloaded


Load an example dataset instrument: HARPS target: HD109200

Parameters:local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)
Returns:dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved
Return type:str

Load an example dataset instrument: JWST_MIRI target: ?

Data simulated with MIRIsim

Parameters:local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)
Returns:dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved
Return type:str

Load an example dataset instrument: JWST_NIRISS target: ?

Data simulated with awesimsoss

Parameters:local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)
Returns:dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved
Return type:str

Load an example dataset instrument: KECK_NIRSPEC target: GJ1214

Parameters:local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)
Returns:dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved
Return type:str

Load an example dataset instrument: LICK_APF target: KIC05005618

Parameters:local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)
Returns:dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved
Return type:str

Load an example dataset instrument: JWST_MIRI target: ?

Data simulated with MIRIsim

Parameters:local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)
Returns:dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved
Return type:str

Load an example dataset instrument: UVES target: HD132205

Parameters:local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)
Returns:dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved
Return type:str

Load an example dataset instrument: XSHOOTER target: Ux-Ori

Parameters:local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)
Returns:dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved
Return type:str
pyreduce.datasets.get_dataset(name, local_dir=None)[source]

Load a dataset


This method will not override existing files with the same name, even if they have a different content. Therefore if the files were changed for any reason, the user has to manually delete them from the disk before using this method.

  • name (str) – Name of the dataset
  • local_dir (str, optional) – directory to save data at (default: “./”)

dataset_dir – directory where the data was saved

Return type:


pyreduce.datasets.load_data_from_server(filename, directory)[source]

pyreduce.echelle module

Contains functions to read and modify echelle structures, just as in reduce

Mostly for compatibility reasons

class pyreduce.echelle.Echelle(head={}, filename='', data={})[source]

Bases: object

static read(fname, extension=1, raw=False, continuum_normalization=True, barycentric_correction=True, radial_velociy_correction=True)[source]

Read data from an echelle file Expand wavelength and continuum polynomials Apply barycentric/radial velocity correction Apply continuum normalization

Will load any fields in the binary table, however special attention is given only to specific names: “SPEC” : Spectrum “SIG” : Sigma, i.e. (absolute) uncertainty “CONT” : Continuum “WAVE” : Wavelength solution “COLUMNS” : Column range

  • fname (str) – filename to load
  • extension (int, optional) – fits extension of the data within the file (default: 1)
  • raw (bool, optional) – if true apply no corrections to the data (default: False)
  • continuum_normalization (bool, optional) – apply continuum normalization (default: True)
  • barycentric_correction (bool, optional) – apply barycentric correction (default: True)
  • radial_velociy_correction (bool, optional) – apply radial velocity correction (default: True)

ech – Echelle structure, with data contained in attributes

Return type:



Save data in an Echelle fits, i.e. a fits file with a Binary Table in Extension 1

Parameters:fname (str) – filename
pyreduce.echelle.calc_1dpolynomials(ncol, poly)[source]

Expand a set of 1d polynomials (one per order) seperately

  • ncol (int) – number of columns
  • poly (array[nord, degree]) – polynomial coefficients

poly – expanded polynomials

Return type:

array[nord, ncol]


Expand a 2d polynomial, where the data is given in a REDUCE make_wave format Note that the coefficients are for order/100 and column/1000 respectively, where the order is counted from order base up

Parameters:solution2d (array) – data in a REDUCE make_wave format: 0: version 1: number of columns 2: number of orders 3: order base, i.e. 0th order number (should not be 0) 4-6: empty 7: number of cross coefficients 8: number of column only coefficients 9: number of order only coefficients 10: coefficient - constant 11-x: column coefficients x-y : order coefficients z- : cross coefficients (xy, xy2, x2y, x2y2, xy3, x3y), with x = orders, y = columns
Returns:poly – expanded polynomial
Return type:array[nord, ncol]
pyreduce.echelle.expand_polynomial(ncol, poly)[source]

Checks if and how to expand data poly, then expands the data if necessary

  • ncol (int) – number of columns in the image
  • poly (array[nord, ..]) – polynomial coefficients to expand, or already expanded data

poly – expanded data

Return type:

array[nord, ncol], **kwargs)[source], header, **kwargs)[source]

Save data in an Echelle fits, i.e. a fits file with a Binary Table in Extension 1

The data is passed in kwargs, with the name of the binary table column as the key Floating point data is saved as float32 (E), Integer data as int16 (I)

  • fname (str) – filename
  • header (fits.header) – FITS header
  • **kwargs (array[]) – data to be saved in the file

pyreduce.estimate_background_scatter module

Module that estimates the background scatter

pyreduce.estimate_background_scatter.estimate_background_scatter(img, orders, column_range=None, extraction_width=0.1, scatter_degree=4, sigma_cutoff=2, border_width=10, plot=False, plot_title=None)[source]

Estimate the background by fitting a 2d polynomial to interorder data

Interorder data is all pixels minus the orders +- the extraction width

  • img (array[nrow, ncol]) – (flat) image data
  • orders (array[nord, degree]) – order polynomial coefficients
  • column_range (array[nord, 2], optional) – range of columns to use in each order (default: None == all columns)
  • extraction_width (float, array[nord, 2], optional) – extraction width for each order, values below 1.5 are considered fractional, others as number of pixels (default: 0.1)
  • scatter_degree (int, optional) – polynomial degree of the 2d fit for the background scatter (default: 4)
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the fitted polynomial and the data or not (default: False)

  • array[nord+1, ncol] – background scatter between orders
  • array[nord+1, ncol] – y positions of the interorder lines, the scatter values are taken from

pyreduce.extract module

Module for extracting data from observations




class pyreduce.extract.ProgressPlot(nrow, ncol, nslitf, nbad=1000, title=None)[source]

Bases: object

fix_linear(data, limit, fill=0)[source]

Assures the size of the 1D array data is equal to limit

get_slitf(img, spec, slitf, ycen)[source]

get the slit function

get_spec(img, spec, slitf, ycen)[source]

get the spectrum corrected by the slit function

plot(img, spec, slitf, model, ycen, mask, ord_num, left, right)[source]
class pyreduce.extract.Swath(nswath)[source]

Bases: object

pyreduce.extract.arc_extraction(img, orders, extraction_width, column_range, gain=1, readnoise=0, dark=0, plot=False, plot_title=None, tilt=None, shear=None, collapse_function='median', **kwargs)[source]

Use “simple” arc extraction to get a spectrum Arc extraction simply takes the sum orthogonal to the order for extraction width pixels

This extraction makes a few rough assumptions and does not provide the most accurate results, but rather a good approximation

  • img (array[nrow, ncol]) – image to extract
  • orders (array[nord, order]) – order tracing coefficients
  • extraction_width (array[nord, 2]) – extraction width in pixels
  • column_range (array[nord, 2]) – column range to use
  • gain (float, optional) – adu to electron, amplifier gain (default: 1)
  • readnoise (float, optional) – read out noise (default: 0)
  • dark (float, optional) – dark current noise (default: 0)
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the results (default: False)

  • spectrum (array[nord, ncol]) – extracted spectrum
  • uncertainties (array[nord, ncol]) – uncertainties on extracted spectrum

pyreduce.extract.calc_scatter_correction(scatter, index)[source]

Calculate scatter correction by interpolating between values?

  • scatter (array of shape (degree_x, degree_y)) – 2D polynomial coefficients of the background scatter
  • index (tuple (array, array)) – indices of the swath within the overall image

scatter_correction – correction for scattered light

Return type:

array of shape (swath_width, swath_height)

pyreduce.extract.calc_telluric_correction(telluric, img)[source]

Calculate telluric correction

If set to specific integer larger than 1 is used as the offset from the order center line. The sky is then estimated by computing median signal between this offset and the upper/lower limit of the extraction window.

  • telluric (int) – telluric correction parameter
  • img (array) – image of the swath

tell – telluric correction

Return type:


pyreduce.extract.correct_for_curvature(img_order, tilt, shear, xwd)[source]
pyreduce.extract.extend_orders(orders, nrow)[source]

Extrapolate extra orders above and below the existing ones

  • orders (array[nord, degree]) – order tracing coefficients
  • nrow (int) – number of rows in the image

orders – extended orders

Return type:

array[nord + 2, degree]

pyreduce.extract.extract(img, orders, column_range=None, order_range=None, extraction_width=0.5, extraction_type='optimal', tilt=None, shear=None, sigma_cutoff=0, **kwargs)[source]

Extract the spectrum from an image

  • img (array[nrow, ncol](float)) – observation to extract
  • orders (array[nord, degree](float)) – polynomial coefficients of the order tracing
  • column_range (array[nord, 2](int), optional) – range of pixels to use for each order (default: use all)
  • order_range (array[2](int), optional) – range of orders to extract, orders have to be consecutive (default: use all)
  • extraction_width (array[nord, 2]({float, int}), optional) – extraction width above and below each order, values below 1.5 are considered relative, while values above are absolute (default: 0.5)
  • extraction_type ({"optimal", "arc", "normalize"}, optional) – which extracttion algorithm to use, “optimal” uses optimal extraction, “arc” uses simple arc extraction, and “normalize” also uses optimal extraction, but returns the normalized image (default: “optimal”)
  • tilt (float or array[nord, ncol], optional) – The tilt (1st order curvature) of the slit for curved extraction. Will use vertical extraction if no tilt is set. (default: None, i.e. tilt = 0)
  • shear (float or array[nord, ncol], optional) – The shear (2nd order curvature) of the slit for curved extraction (default: None, i.e. shear = 0)
  • polarization (bool, optional) – if true, pairs of orders are considered to belong to the same order, but different polarization. Only affects the scatter (default: False)
  • optional (**kwargs,) – parameters for extraction functions

  • spec (array[nord, ncol](float)) – extracted spectrum for each order
  • uncertainties (array[nord, ncol](float)) – uncertainties on the spectrum
  • if extraction_type == “normalize” instead return
  • im_norm (array[nrow, ncol](float)) – normalized image
  • im_ordr (array[nrow, ncol](float)) – image with just the orders
  • blaze (array[nord, ncol](float)) – extracted spectrum (equals blaze if img was the flat field)

pyreduce.extract.extract_spectrum(img, ycen, yrange, xrange, gain=1, readnoise=0, lambda_sf=0.1, lambda_sp=0, osample=1, swath_width=None, maxiter=20, telluric=None, scatter=None, normalize=False, threshold=0, tilt=None, shear=None, plot=False, plot_title=None, im_norm=None, im_ordr=None, out_spec=None, out_sunc=None, out_slitf=None, out_mask=None, progress=None, ord_num=0, **kwargs)[source]

Extract the spectrum of a single order from an image The order is split into several swathes of roughly swath_width length, which overlap half-half For each swath a spectrum and slitfunction are extracted overlapping sections are combined using linear weights (centrum is strongest, falling off to the edges) Here is the layout for the bins:

   1st swath    3rd swath    5th swath      ...

          2nd swath    4th swath    6th swath

       +     ******* 1
        +   *
         + *
          *            weights (+) previous swath, (*) current swath
         * +
        *   +
       *     +++++++ 0
  • img (array[nrow, ncol]) – observation (or similar)
  • ycen (array[ncol]) – order trace of the current order
  • yrange (tuple(int, int)) – extraction width in pixles, below and above
  • xrange (tuple(int, int)) – columns range to extract (low, high)
  • gain (float, optional) – adu to electron, amplifier gain (default: 1)
  • readnoise (float, optional) – read out noise factor (default: 0)
  • lambda_sf (float, optional) – slit function smoothing parameter, usually very small (default: 0.1)
  • lambda_sp (int, optional) – spectrum smoothing parameter, usually very small (default: 0)
  • osample (int, optional) – oversampling factor, i.e. how many subpixels to create per pixel (default: 1, i.e. no oversampling)
  • swath_width (int, optional) – swath width suggestion, actual width depends also on ncol, see make_bins (default: None, which will determine the width based on the order tracing)
  • telluric ({float, None}, optional) – telluric correction factor (default: None, i.e. no telluric correction)
  • scatter ({array, None}, optional) – background scatter as 2d polynomial coefficients (default: None, no correction)
  • normalize (bool, optional) – whether to create a normalized image. If true, im_norm and im_ordr are used as output (default: False)
  • threshold (int, optional) – threshold for normalization (default: 0)
  • tilt (array[ncol], optional) – The tilt (1st order curvature) of the slit in this order for the curved extraction (default: None, i.e. tilt = 0)
  • shear (array[ncol], optional) – The shear (2nd order curvature) of the slit in this order for the curved extraction (default: None, i.e. shear = 0)
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the progress, plotting will slow down the procedure significantly (default: False)
  • ord_num (int, optional) – current order number, just for plotting (default: 0)
  • im_norm (array[nrow, ncol], optional) – normalized image, only output if normalize is True (default: None)
  • im_ordr (array[nrow, ncol], optional) – image of the order blaze, only output if normalize is True (default: None)

  • spec (array[ncol]) – extracted spectrum
  • slitf (array[nslitf]) – extracted slitfunction
  • mask (array[ncol]) – mask of the column range to use in the spectrum
  • unc (array[ncol]) – uncertainty on the spectrum

pyreduce.extract.fix_column_range(column_range, orders, extraction_width, nrow, ncol)[source]

Fix the column range, so that no pixels outside the image will be accessed (Thus avoiding errors)

  • img (array[nrow, ncol]) – image
  • orders (array[nord, degree]) – order tracing coefficients
  • extraction_width (array[nord, 2]) – extraction width in pixels, (below, above)
  • column_range (array[nord, 2]) – current column range
  • no_clip (bool, optional) – if False, new column range will be smaller or equal to current column range, otherwise it can also be larger (default: False)

column_range – updated column range

Return type:

array[nord, 2]

pyreduce.extract.fix_extraction_width(xwd, orders, cr, ncol)[source]

Convert fractional extraction width to pixel range

  • extraction_width (array[nord, 2]) – current extraction width, in pixels or fractions (for values below 1.5)
  • orders (array[nord, degree]) – order tracing coefficients
  • column_range (array[nord, 2]) – column range to use
  • ncol (int) – number of columns in image

extraction_width – updated extraction width in pixels

Return type:

array[nord, 2]

pyreduce.extract.fix_parameters(xwd, cr, orders, nrow, ncol, nord, ignore_column_range=False)[source]

Fix extraction width and column range, so that all pixels used are within the image. I.e. the column range is cut so that the everything is within the image

  • xwd (float, array) – Extraction width, either one value for all orders, or the whole array
  • cr (2-tuple(int), array) – Column range, either one value for all orders, or the whole array
  • orders (array) – polynomial coefficients that describe each order
  • nrow (int) – Number of rows in the image
  • ncol (int) – Number of columns in the image
  • nord (int) – Number of orders in the image
  • ignore_column_range (bool, optional) – if true does not change the column range, however this may lead to problems with the extraction, by default False

  • xwd (array) – fixed extraction width
  • cr (array) – fixed column range
  • orders (array) – the same orders as before

pyreduce.extract.get_mask(img, model)[source]
pyreduce.extract.get_y_scale(ycen, xrange, extraction_width, nrow)[source]

Calculate the y limits of the order This is especially important at the edges

  • ycen (array[ncol]) – order trace
  • xrange (tuple(int, int)) – column range
  • extraction_width (tuple(int, int)) – extraction width in pixels below and above the order
  • nrow (int) – number of rows in the image, defines upper edge

y_low, y_high – lower and upper y bound for extraction

Return type:

int, int

pyreduce.extract.make_bins(swath_width, xlow, xhigh, ycen)[source]

Create bins for the swathes Bins are roughly equally sized, have roughly length swath width (if given) and overlap roughly half-half with each other

  • swath_width ({int, None}) – initial value for the swath_width, bins will have roughly that size, but exact value may change if swath_width is None, determine a good value, from the data
  • xlow (int) – lower bound for x values
  • xhigh (int) – upper bound for x values
  • ycen (array[ncol]) – center of the order trace

  • nbin (int) – number of bins
  • bins_start (array[nbin]) – left(beginning) side of the bins
  • bins_end (array[nbin]) – right(ending) side of the bins

pyreduce.extract.model(spec, slitf)[source]
pyreduce.extract.model_image(img, xwd, tilt, shear)[source]
pyreduce.extract.optimal_extraction(img, orders, extraction_width, column_range, tilt, shear, plot=False, plot_title=None, **kwargs)[source]

Use optimal extraction to get spectra

This functions just loops over the orders, the actual work is done in extract_spectrum

  • img (array[nrow, ncol]) – image to extract
  • orders (array[nord, degree]) – order tracing coefficients
  • extraction_width (array[nord, 2]) – extraction width in pixels
  • column_range (array[nord, 2]) – column range to use
  • scatter (array[nord, 4, ncol]) – background scatter (or None)
  • **kwargs – other parameters for the extraction (see extract_spectrum)

  • spectrum (array[nord, ncol]) – extracted spectrum
  • slitfunction (array[nord, nslitf]) – recovered slitfunction
  • uncertainties (array[nord, ncol]) – uncertainties on the spectrum

pyreduce.extract.plot_comparison(original, orders, spectrum, slitf, extraction_width, column_range, title=None)[source]

pyreduce.make_shear module

Calculate the tilt based on a reference spectrum with high SNR, e.g. Wavelength calibration image


Nikolai Piskunov Ansgar Wehrhahn


0.9 - NP - IDL Version 1.0 - AW - Python Version


class pyreduce.make_shear.Curvature(orders, extraction_width=0.5, column_range=None, order_range=None, window_width=9, peak_threshold=10, peak_width=1, fit_degree=2, sigma_cutoff=3, mode='1D', plot=False, plot_title=None, peak_function='gaussian', curv_degree=2)[source]

Bases: object

eval(peaks, order, coef_tilt, coef_shear)[source]
execute(extracted, original)[source]
fit(peaks, tilt, shear)[source]
plot_comparison(original, tilt, shear, peaks)[source]
plot_results(ncol, plot_peaks, plot_vec, plot_tilt, plot_shear, tilt_x, shear_x)[source]
class pyreduce.make_shear.ProgressPlot(ncol, width, title=None)[source]

Bases: object

update_plot1(vector, peak, offset=0)[source]
update_plot2(img, model, tilt, shear, peak)[source]
pyreduce.make_shear.gaussian(x, A, mu, sig)[source]

A: height mu: offset from central line sig: standard deviation

pyreduce.make_shear.lorentzian(x, A, x0, mu)[source]

A: height x0: offset from central line mu: width of lorentzian

pyreduce.reduce module

REDUCE script for spectrograph data


Ansgar Wehrhahn ( Thomas Marquart ( Alexis Lavail ( Nikolai Piskunov (


1.0 - Initial PyReduce


class pyreduce.reduce.BackgroundScatter(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.CalibrationStep

Determine the background scatter


Load scatter results from disk

Returns:scatter – scatter coefficients
Return type:array
run(files, mask, bias, orders)[source]

Execute the current step

This should fail if files are missing or anything else goes wrong. If the user does not want to run this step, they should not specify it in steps.

Parameters:files (list(str)) – data files required for this step
Raises:NotImplementedError – needs to be implemented for each step

Save scatter results to disk

Parameters:scatter (array) – scatter coefficients

Name of the scatter file

scatter_degree = None

Polynomial degrees for the background scatter fit, in row, column direction

Type:tuple(int, int)
class pyreduce.reduce.Bias(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Calculates the master bias

degree = None

polynomial degree of the fit between exposure time and pixel values


Load the master bias from a previous run

Parameters:mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask
  • bias (masked array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – master bias data, with the bad pixel mask applied
  • bhead (FITS header) – header of the master bias
run(files, mask)[source]

Calculate the master bias

  • files (list(str)) – bias files
  • mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – bad pixel map

  • bias (masked array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – master bias data, with the bad pixel mask applied
  • bhead (FITS header) – header of the master bias

save(bias, bhead)[source]

Save the master bias to a FITS file

  • bias (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – bias data
  • bhead (FITS header) – bias header

Name of master bias fits file

class pyreduce.reduce.CalibrationStep(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

bias_scaling = None

how to adjust for diferences between the bias and flat field exposure times

Type:{‘number_of_files’, ‘exposure_time’, ‘mean’, ‘median’, ‘none’}
calibrate(files, mask, bias=None, norm_flat=None)[source]
norm_scaling = None

how to apply the normalized flat field

Type:{‘divide’, ‘none’}
class pyreduce.reduce.ContinuumNormalization(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Determine the continuum to each observation

load(norm_flat, science)[source]

Load the results from the continuum normalization

  • heads (list(FITS header)) – FITS headers of each observation
  • specs (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – extracted spectra
  • sigmas (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – uncertainties of the extracted spectra
  • conts (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – continuum for each spectrum
  • columns (list(array of shape (nord, 2))) – column ranges for each spectra
run(science, freq_comb, norm_flat)[source]

Determine the continuum to each observation Also splices the orders together

  • science (tuple) – results from science step
  • freq_comb_final (tuple) – results from freq_comb_final step (or wavecal if those don’t exist)
  • norm_flat (tuple) – results from the normalized flatfield step

  • heads (list(FITS header)) – FITS headers of each observation
  • specs (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – extracted spectra
  • sigmas (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – uncertainties of the extracted spectra
  • conts (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – continuum for each spectrum
  • columns (list(array of shape (nord, 2))) – column ranges for each spectra

save(heads, specs, sigmas, conts, columns)[source]

Save the results from the continuum normalization

  • heads (list(FITS header)) – FITS headers of each observation
  • specs (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – extracted spectra
  • sigmas (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – uncertainties of the extracted spectra
  • conts (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – continuum for each spectrum
  • columns (list(array of shape (nord, 2))) – column ranges for each spectra

savefile name

class pyreduce.reduce.ExtractionStep(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

extract(img, head, orders, curvature)[source]
extraction_kwargs = None

arguments for the extraction

extraction_method = None

Extraction method to use

Type:{‘arc’, ‘optimal’}
class pyreduce.reduce.Finalize(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Create the final output files

output_file(number, name)[source]

str: output file name

run(continuum, freq_comb_final, config)[source]

Create the final output files

this is includes:
  • heliocentric corrections
  • creating one echelle file
  • continuum (tuple) – results from the continuum normalization
  • freq_comb_final (tuple) – results from the frequency comb step (or wavelength calibration)
save(i, head, spec, sigma, cont, wave, columns)[source]

Save one output spectrum to disk

  • i (int) – individual number of each file
  • head (FITS header) – FITS header
  • spec (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – final spectrum
  • sigma (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – final uncertainties
  • cont (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – final continuum scales
  • wave (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – wavelength solution
  • columns (array of shape (nord, 2)) – columns that carry signal

out_file – name of the output file

Return type:


save_config_to_header(head, config, prefix='PR')[source]
class pyreduce.reduce.FitsIOStep(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step


Load the master bias from a previous run

Parameters:mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask
  • data (masked array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – master bias data, with the bad pixel mask applied
  • head (FITS header) – header of the master bias
save(data, head, dtype=None)[source]

Save the data to a FITS file

  • data (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – bias data
  • head (FITS header) – bias header
class pyreduce.reduce.Flat(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.CalibrationStep

Calculates the master flat


Load master flat from disk

Parameters:mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask
  • flat (masked array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Master flat with bad pixel map applied
  • fhead (FITS header) – Master flat FITS header
run(files, bias, mask)[source]

Calculate the master flat, with the bias already subtracted

  • files (list(str)) – flat files
  • bias (tuple(array of shape (nrow, ncol), FITS header)) – master bias and header
  • mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask

  • flat (masked array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Master flat with bad pixel map applied
  • fhead (FITS header) – Master flat FITS header

save(flat, fhead)[source]

Save the master flat to a FITS file

  • flat (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – master flat data
  • fhead (FITS header) – master flat header

Name of master bias fits file

class pyreduce.reduce.LaserFrequencyCombFinalize(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Improve the precision of the wavelength calibration with a laser frequency comb

degree = None

polynomial degree of the wavelength fit

Type:tuple(int, int)
dimensionality = None

Whether to use 1D or 2D polynomials

Type:{‘1D’, ‘2D’}
lfc_peak_width = None

Width of the peaks for finding them in the spectrum


Load the results of the frequency comb improvement if possible, otherwise just use the normal wavelength solution

Parameters:wavecal (tuple) – results from the wavelength calibration step
  • wave (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – improved wavelength solution
  • comb (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – extracted frequency comb image
run(freq_comb_master, wavecal)[source]

Improve the wavelength calibration with a laser frequency comb (or similar)

  • files (list(str)) – observation files
  • wavecal (tuple()) – results from the wavelength calibration step
  • orders (tuple) – results from the order tracing step
  • mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask

  • wave (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – improved wavelength solution
  • comb (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – extracted frequency comb image


Save the results of the frequency comb improvement

Parameters:wave (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – improved wavelength solution

Name of the wavelength echelle file

threshold = None

residual threshold in m/s above which to remove lines

class pyreduce.reduce.LaserFrequencyCombMaster(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.CalibrationStep, pyreduce.reduce.ExtractionStep

Create a laser frequency comb (or similar) master image


Load master comb from disk

  • comb (masked array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Master comb with bad pixel map applied
  • chead (FITS header) – Master comb FITS header
run(files, orders, mask, curvature, bias, norm_flat)[source]

Improve the wavelength calibration with a laser frequency comb (or similar)

  • files (list(str)) – observation files
  • orders (tuple) – results from the order tracing step
  • mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask
  • curvature (tuple) – results from the curvature step
  • bias (tuple) – results from the bias step

  • comb (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – extracted frequency comb image
  • chead (Header) – FITS header of the combined image

save(comb, chead)[source]

Save the master comb to a FITS file

  • comb (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – master comb data
  • chead (FITS header) – master comb header

Name of the wavelength echelle file

class pyreduce.reduce.Mask(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Load the bad pixel mask for the given instrument/mode


Load the mask file from disk

Returns:mask – Bad pixel mask for this setting
Return type:array of shape (nrow, ncol)

Load the mask file from disk

Returns:mask – Bad pixel mask for this setting
Return type:array of shape (nrow, ncol)
class pyreduce.reduce.NormalizeFlatField(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Calculate the ‘normalized’ flat field image

extraction_kwargs = None

arguments for the extraction

extraction_method = None

Extraction method to use


Load normalized flat field results from disk

  • norm (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – normalized flat field
  • blaze (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – Continuum level as determined from the flat field for each order
run(flat, orders, scatter, curvature)[source]

Calculate the ‘normalized’ flat field

  • flat (tuple(array, header)) – Master flat, and its FITS header
  • orders (tuple(array, array)) – Polynomial coefficients for each order, and the first and last(+1) column containing signal

  • norm (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – normalized flat field
  • blaze (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – Continuum level as determined from the flat field for each order

save(norm, blaze)[source]

Save normalized flat field results to disk

  • norm (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – normalized flat field
  • blaze (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – Continuum level as determined from the flat field for each order

Name of the blaze file

threshold = None

Threshold of the normalized flat field (values below this are just 1)

class pyreduce.reduce.OrderTracing(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.CalibrationStep

Determine the polynomial fits describing the pixel locations of each order

border_width = None

Number of pixels at the edge of the detector to ignore

filter_size = None

Size of the gaussian filter for smoothing

fit_degree = None

Polynomial degree of the fit to each order


Load order tracing results

  • orders (array of shape (nord, ndegree+1)) – polynomial coefficients for each order
  • column_range (array of shape (nord, 2)) – first and last(+1) column that carries signal in each order
manual = None

Whether to use manual alignment

min_cluster = None

Minimum size of each cluster to be included in further processing

min_width = None

Minimum width of each cluster after mergin

Type:int, float
noise = None

Background noise value threshold

run(files, mask, bias)[source]

Determine polynomial coefficients describing order locations

  • files (list(str)) – Observation used for order tracing (should only have one element)
  • mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask

  • orders (array of shape (nord, ndegree+1)) – polynomial coefficients for each order
  • column_range (array of shape (nord, 2)) – first and last(+1) column that carries signal in each order

save(orders, column_range)[source]

Save order tracing results to disk

  • orders (array of shape (nord, ndegree+1)) – polynomial coefficients
  • column_range (array of shape (nord, 2)) – first and last(+1) column that carry signal in each order

Name of the order tracing file

class pyreduce.reduce.RectifyImage(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Create a 2D image of the rectified orders


Load results from a previous execution

If this raises a FileNotFoundError, run() will be used instead For calibration steps it is preferred however to print a warning and return None. Other modules can then use a default value instead.

Raises:NotImplementedError – Needs to be implemented for each step
run(files, orders, curvature, mask, freq_comb_final)[source]

Execute the current step

This should fail if files are missing or anything else goes wrong. If the user does not want to run this step, they should not specify it in steps.

Parameters:files (list(str)) – data files required for this step
Raises:NotImplementedError – needs to be implemented for each step
save(fname, image, wavelength, header=None)[source]

Save the results of this step

Parameters:*args (obj) – things to save
Raises:NotImplementedError – Needs to be implemented for each step
class pyreduce.reduce.Reducer(files, output_dir, target, instrument, mode, night, config, order_range=None, skip_existing=False)[source]

Bases: object

files = None

Filenames sorted by usecase

modules = {'bias': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.Bias'>, 'continuum': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.ContinuumNormalization'>, 'curvature': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.SlitCurvatureDetermination'>, 'finalize': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.Finalize'>, 'flat': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.Flat'>, 'freq_comb': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.LaserFrequencyCombFinalize'>, 'freq_comb_master': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.LaserFrequencyCombMaster'>, 'mask': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.Mask'>, 'norm_flat': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.NormalizeFlatField'>, 'orders': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.OrderTracing'>, 'rectify': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.RectifyImage'>, 'scatter': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.BackgroundScatter'>, 'science': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.ScienceExtraction'>, 'wavecal': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.WavelengthCalibrationFinalize'>, 'wavecal_init': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.WavelengthCalibrationInitialize'>, 'wavecal_master': <class 'pyreduce.reduce.WavelengthCalibrationMaster'>}
run_module(step, load=False)[source]

Execute the steps as required

Parameters:steps ({tuple(str), "all"}, optional) – which steps of the reduction process to perform the possible steps are: “bias”, “flat”, “orders”, “norm_flat”, “wavecal”, “freq_comb”, “curvature”, “science”, “continuum”, “finalize” alternatively set steps to “all”, which is equivalent to setting all steps
step_order = {'bias': 10, 'continuum': 90, 'curvature': 40, 'finalize': 100, 'flat': 20, 'freq_comb': 72, 'freq_comb_master': 70, 'norm_flat': 50, 'orders': 30, 'rectify': 75, 'scatter': 45, 'science': 80, 'wavecal': 67, 'wavecal_init': 64, 'wavecal_master': 60}
class pyreduce.reduce.ScienceExtraction(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.CalibrationStep, pyreduce.reduce.ExtractionStep

Extract the science spectra


Load all science spectra from disk

  • heads (list(FITS header)) – FITS headers of each observation
  • specs (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – extracted spectra
  • sigmas (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – uncertainties of the extracted spectra
  • columns (list(array of shape (nord, 2))) – column ranges for each spectra
run(files, bias, orders, norm_flat, curvature, mask)[source]

Extract Science spectra from observation

  • files (list(str)) – list of observations
  • bias (tuple) – results from master bias step
  • orders (tuple) – results from order tracing step
  • norm_flat (tuple) – results from flat normalization
  • curvature (tuple) – results from slit curvature step
  • mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – bad pixel map

  • heads (list(FITS header)) – FITS headers of each observation
  • specs (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – extracted spectra
  • sigmas (list(array of shape (nord, ncol))) – uncertainties of the extracted spectra
  • columns (list(array of shape (nord, 2))) – column ranges for each spectra

save(fname, head, spec, sigma, column_range)[source]

Save the results of one extraction

  • fname (str) – filename to save to
  • head (FITS header) – FITS header
  • spec (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – extracted spectrum
  • sigma (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – uncertainties of the extracted spectrum
  • column_range (array of shape (nord, 2)) – range of columns that have spectrum

Name of the science file in disk, based on the input file

Parameters:name (str) – name of the observation file
Returns:name – science file name
Return type:str
class pyreduce.reduce.SlitCurvatureDetermination(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.CalibrationStep, pyreduce.reduce.ExtractionStep

Determine the curvature of the slit

curv_degree = None

Orders of the curvature to fit, currently supports only 1 and 2

curvature_mode = None

Whether to use 1d or 2d polynomials

Type:{‘1D’, ‘2D’}
extraction_width = None

width of the orders in the extraction

fit_degree = None

Polynomial degree of the overall fit


Load the curvature if possible, otherwise return None, None, i.e. use vertical extraction

  • tilt (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – first order slit curvature at each point
  • shear (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – second order slit curvature at each point
peak_function = None

Function shape that is fit to individual peaks

peak_threshold = None

peak finding noise threshold

peak_width = None

peak width

run(files, orders, mask, bias)[source]

Determine the curvature of the slit

  • files (list(str)) – files to use for this
  • orders (tuple) – results of the order tracing
  • mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask

  • tilt (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – first order slit curvature at each point
  • shear (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – second order slit curvature at each point

save(tilt, shear)[source]

Save results from the curvature

  • tilt (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – first order slit curvature at each point
  • shear (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – second order slit curvature at each point

Name of the tilt/shear save file

sigma_cutoff = None

how many sigma of bad lines to cut away

window_width = None

window width to search for peak in each row

class pyreduce.reduce.Step(instrument, mode, target, night, output_dir, order_range, **config)[source]

Bases: object

Parent class for all steps


Steps that are required before running this step

instrument = None

Name of the instrument


Load results from a previous execution

If this raises a FileNotFoundError, run() will be used instead For calibration steps it is preferred however to print a warning and return None. Other modules can then use a default value instead.

Raises:NotImplementedError – Needs to be implemented for each step

Steps that are required before loading data from this step

mode = None

Name of the instrument mode

night = None

Date of the observation (as a string)

order_range = None

First and Last(+1) order to process

Type:tuple(int, int)

output directory, may contain tags {instrument}, {night}, {target}, {mode}

plot = None

Whether to plot the results or the progress of this step

plot_title = None

Title used in the plots, if any


temporary file prefix

run(files, *args)[source]

Execute the current step

This should fail if files are missing or anything else goes wrong. If the user does not want to run this step, they should not specify it in steps.

Parameters:files (list(str)) – data files required for this step
Raises:NotImplementedError – needs to be implemented for each step

Save the results of this step

Parameters:*args (obj) – things to save
Raises:NotImplementedError – Needs to be implemented for each step
target = None

Name of the observation target

class pyreduce.reduce.WavelengthCalibrationFinalize(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Perform wavelength calibration

degree = None

Polynomial degree of the wavelength calibration in order, column direction

Type:tuple(int, int)
dimensionality = None

Whether to use 1d or 2d polynomials

Type:{‘1D’, ‘2D’}
element = None

elements of the spectral lamp

iterations = None

Number of iterations in the remove lines, auto id cycle


Load the results of the wavelength calibration

  • wave (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – wavelength for each point in the spectrum
  • coef (array of shape (*ndegrees,)) – polynomial coefficients of the wavelength fit
  • linelist (record array of shape (nlines,)) – Updated line information for all lines
manual = None

Whether to use manual alignment instead of cross correlation

medium = None

medium of the detector, vac or air

nstep = None

Number of detector offset steps, due to detector design

run(wavecal_master, wavecal_init)[source]

Perform wavelength calibration

This consists of extracting the wavelength image and fitting a polynomial the the known spectral lines

  • wavecal_master (tuple) – results of the wavecal_master step, containing the master wavecal image and its header
  • wavecal_init (LineList) – the initial LineList guess with the positions and wavelengths of lines

  • wave (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – wavelength for each point in the spectrum
  • coef (array of shape (*ndegrees,)) – polynomial coefficients of the wavelength fit
  • linelist (record array of shape (nlines,)) – Updated line information for all lines

save(wave, coef, linelist)[source]

Save the results of the wavelength calibration

  • wave (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – wavelength for each point in the spectrum
  • coef (array of shape (ndegrees,)) – polynomial coefficients of the wavelength fit
  • linelist (record array of shape (nlines,)) – Updated line information for all lines

Name of the wavelength echelle file

shift_window = None

fraction of columns, to allow individual orders to shift

threshold = None

residual threshold in m/s

class pyreduce.reduce.WavelengthCalibrationInitialize(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.Step

Create the initial wavelength solution file

cutoff = None

Minimum height of spectral lines in the normalized spectrum, values of 1 and above are interpreted as percentiles of the spectrum, set to 0 to disable the cutoff

degree = None

Polynomial degree of the wavelength calibration in order, column direction

Type:tuple(int, int)
element = None

element for the atlas to use

load(config, wavecal_master)[source]

Load results from a previous execution

If this raises a FileNotFoundError, run() will be used instead For calibration steps it is preferred however to print a warning and return None. Other modules can then use a default value instead.

Raises:NotImplementedError – Needs to be implemented for each step
medium = None

medium the medium of the instrument, air or vac

nwalkers = None

number of walkers in the MCMC

resid_delta = None

resiudal range to accept as match between peaks and atlas in m/s


Execute the current step

This should fail if files are missing or anything else goes wrong. If the user does not want to run this step, they should not specify it in steps.

Parameters:files (list(str)) – data files required for this step
Raises:NotImplementedError – needs to be implemented for each step

Save the results of this step

Parameters:*args (obj) – things to save
Raises:NotImplementedError – Needs to be implemented for each step

Name of the wavelength echelle file

smoothing = None

Gaussian smoothing parameter applied to the observed spectrum in pixel scale, set to 0 to disable smoothing

steps = None

number of steps in the MCMC

wave_delta = None

wavelength range around the initial guess to explore

class pyreduce.reduce.WavelengthCalibrationMaster(*args, **config)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.reduce.CalibrationStep, pyreduce.reduce.ExtractionStep

Create wavelength calibration master image


Load master wavelength calibration from disk

  • thar (masked array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Master wavecal with bad pixel map applied
  • thead (FITS header) – Master wavecal FITS header
run(files, orders, mask, curvature, bias, norm_flat)[source]

Perform wavelength calibration

This consists of extracting the wavelength image and fitting a polynomial the the known spectral lines

  • files (list(str)) – wavelength calibration files
  • orders (tuple(array, array)) – Polynomial coefficients of each order, and columns with signal of each order
  • mask (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – Bad pixel mask

  • wave (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – wavelength for each point in the spectrum
  • thar (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – extracted wavelength calibration image
  • coef (array of shape (*ndegrees,)) – polynomial coefficients of the wavelength fit
  • linelist (record array of shape (nlines,)) – Updated line information for all lines

save(thar, thead)[source]

Save the master wavelength calibration to a FITS file

  • thar (array of shape (nrow, ncol)) – master flat data
  • thead (FITS header) – master flat header

Name of the wavelength echelle file

pyreduce.reduce.main(instrument, target, night=None, modes=None, steps='all', base_dir=None, input_dir=None, output_dir=None, configuration=None, order_range=None, allow_calibration_only=False, skip_existing=False)[source]

Main entry point for REDUCE scripts, default values can be changed as required if reduce is used as a script Finds input directories, and loops over observation nights and instrument modes

  • instrument (str, list[str]) – instrument used for the observation (e.g. UVES, HARPS)
  • target (str, list[str]) – the observed star, as named in the folder structure/fits headers
  • night (str, list[str]) – the observation nights to reduce, as named in the folder structure. Accepts bash wildcards (i.e. *, ?), but then relies on the folder structure for restricting the nights
  • modes (str, list[str], dict[{instrument}:list], None, optional) – the instrument modes to use, if None will use all known modes for the current instrument. See instruments for possible options
  • steps (tuple(str), "all", optional) – which steps of the reduction process to perform the possible steps are: “bias”, “flat”, “orders”, “norm_flat”, “wavecal”, “science” alternatively set steps to “all”, which is equivalent to setting all steps Note that the later steps require the previous intermediary products to exist and raise an exception otherwise
  • base_dir (str, optional) – base data directory that Reduce should work in, is prefixxed on input_dir and output_dir (default: use settings_pyreduce.json)
  • input_dir (str, optional) – input directory containing raw files. Can contain placeholders {instrument}, {target}, {night}, {mode} as well as wildcards. If relative will use base_dir as root (default: use settings_pyreduce.json)
  • output_dir (str, optional) – output directory for intermediary and final results. Can contain placeholders {instrument}, {target}, {night}, {mode}, but no wildcards. If relative will use base_dir as root (default: use settings_pyreduce.json)
  • configuration (dict[str:obj], str, list[str], dict[{instrument}:dict,str], optional) – configuration file for the current run, contains parameters for different parts of reduce. Can be a path to a json file, or a dict with configurations for the different instruments. When a list, the order must be the same as instruments (default: settings_{instrument.upper()}.json)

pyreduce.trace_orders module

Find clusters of pixels with signal And combine them into continous orders

pyreduce.trace_orders.best_fit(x, y)[source]
pyreduce.trace_orders.calculate_mean_cluster_thickness(x, y)[source]
pyreduce.trace_orders.combine(i, j, x, y, merge, mct, nrow, ncol, deg, threshold)[source]
pyreduce.trace_orders.create_merge_array(x, y, mean_cluster_thickness, nrow, ncol, deg, threshold)[source]
pyreduce.trace_orders.delete(i, x, y, merge)[source]
pyreduce.trace_orders.determine_overlap_rating(xi, yi, xj, yj, mean_cluster_thickness, nrow, ncol, deg=2)[source], y, deg, regularization=0)[source]
pyreduce.trace_orders.fit_polynomials_to_clusters(x, y, clusters, degree, regularization=0)[source]

Fits a polynomial of degree opower to points x, y in cluster clusters

  • x (dict(int: array)) – x coordinates seperated by cluster
  • y (dict(int: array)) – y coordinates seperated by cluster
  • clusters (list(int)) – cluster labels, equivalent to x.keys() or y.keys()
  • degree (int) – degree of polynomial fit

orders – coefficients of polynomial fit for each cluster

Return type:

dict(int, array[degree+1])

pyreduce.trace_orders.mark_orders(im, min_cluster=None, min_width=None, filter_size=None, noise=None, opower=4, border_width=None, degree_before_merge=2, regularization=0, closing_shape=(5, 5), opening_shape=(2, 2), plot=False, plot_title=None, manual=True, auto_merge_threshold=0.9, merge_min_threshold=0.1, sigma=0)[source]

Identify and trace orders

  • im (array[nrow, ncol]) – order definition image
  • min_cluster (int, optional) – minimum cluster size in pixels (default: 500)
  • filter_size (int, optional) – size of the running filter (default: 120)
  • noise (float, optional) – noise to filter out (default: 8)
  • opower (int, optional) – polynomial degree of the order fit (default: 4)
  • border_width (int, optional) – number of pixels at the bottom and top borders of the image to ignore for order tracing (default: 5)
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the final order fits (default: False)
  • manual (bool, optional) – wether to manually select clusters to merge (strongly recommended) (default: True)

orders – order tracing coefficients (in numpy order, i.e. largest exponent first)

Return type:

array[nord, opower+1]

pyreduce.trace_orders.merge_clusters(img, x, y, n_clusters, manual=True, deg=2, auto_merge_threshold=0.9, merge_min_threshold=0.1, plot_title=None)[source]

Merge clusters that belong together

  • img (array[nrow, ncol]) – the image the order trace is based on
  • orders (dict(int, array(float))) – coefficients of polynomial fits to clusters
  • x (dict(int, array(int))) – x coordinates of cluster points
  • y (dict(int, array(int))) – y coordinates of cluster points
  • n_clusters (array(int)) – cluster numbers
  • threshold (int, optional) – overlap threshold for merging clusters (the default is 100)
  • manual (bool, optional) – if True ask before merging orders

  • x (dict(int: array)) – x coordinates of clusters, key=cluster id
  • y (dict(int: array)) – y coordinates of clusters, key=cluster id
  • n_clusters (int) – number of identified clusters

pyreduce.trace_orders.plot_order(i, j, x, y, img, deg, title='')[source]

Plot a single order

pyreduce.trace_orders.plot_orders(im, x, y, clusters, orders, order_range, title=None)[source]

Plot orders and image

pyreduce.trace_orders.update_merge_array(merge, x, y, j, mean_cluster_thickness, nrow, ncol, deg, threshold)[source]

pyreduce.util module

Collection of various useful and/or reoccuring functions across PyReduce


Convert wavelengths in air to vacuum wavelength Author: Nikolai Piskunov

pyreduce.util.bezier_interp(x_old, y_old, x_new)[source]

Bezier interpolation, based on the scipy methods

This mostly sanitizes the input by removing masked values and duplicate entries Note that in case of duplicate entries (in x_old) the results are not well defined as only one of the entries is used and the other is discarded

  • x_old (array[n]) – old x values
  • y_old (array[n]) – old y values
  • x_new (array[m]) – new x values

y_new – new y values

Return type:


pyreduce.util.bottom(f, order=1, iterations=40, eps=0.001, poly=False, weight=1, **kwargs)[source]

bottom tries to fit a smooth curve to the lower envelope of 1D data array f. Filter size “filter” together with the total number of iterations determine the smoothness and the quality of the fit. The total number of iterations can be controlled by limiting the maximum number of iterations (iter) and/or by setting the convergence criterion for the fit (eps) 04-Nov-2000 N.Piskunov wrote. 09-Nov-2011 NP added weights and 2nd derivative constraint as LAM2

  • f (Callable) – Function to fit
  • filter (int) – Smoothing parameter of the optimal filter (or polynomial degree of poly is True)
  • iter (int) – maximum number of iterations [def: 40]
  • eps (float) – convergence level [def: 0.001]
  • mn (float) – minimum function values to be considered [def: min(f)]
  • mx (float) – maximum function values to be considered [def: max(f)]
  • lam2 (float) – constraint on 2nd derivative
  • weight (array(float)) – vector of weights.
pyreduce.util.cutout_image(img, ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax)[source]

Cut a section of an image out

  • img (array) – image
  • ymin (array[ncol](int)) – lower y value
  • ymax (array[ncol](int)) – upper y value
  • xmin (int) – lower x value
  • xmax (int) – upper x value

cutout – selection of the image

Return type:

array[height, ncol]

pyreduce.util.find_first_index(arr, value)[source]

find the first element equal to value in the array arr

pyreduce.util.gaussbroad(x, y, hwhm)[source]

Apply gaussian broadening to x, y data with half width half maximum hwhm

  • x (array(float)) – x values
  • y (array(float)) – y values
  • hwhm (float > 0) – half width half maximum

broadened y values

Return type:


pyreduce.util.gaussfit(x, y)[source]

Fit a simple gaussian to data

gauss(x, a, mu, sigma) = a * exp(-z**2/2) with z = (x - mu) / sigma

  • x (array(float)) – x values
  • y (array(float)) – y values

fitted values for x, fit paramters (a, mu, sigma)

Return type:

gauss(x), parameters

pyreduce.util.gaussfit2(x, y)[source]

Fit a gaussian(normal) curve to data x, y

gauss = A * exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sig**2)) + offset

  • x (array[n]) – x values
  • y (array[n]) – y values

popt – coefficients of the gaussian: A, mu, sigma**2, offset

Return type:


pyreduce.util.gaussfit3(x, y)[source]

A very simple (and relatively fast) gaussian fit gauss = A * exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sig**2)) + offset

  • x (array of shape (n,)) – x data
  • y (array of shape (n,)) – y data

popt – Parameters A, mu, sigma**2, offset

Return type:

list of shape (4,)

pyreduce.util.gaussfit4(x, y)[source]

A very simple (and relatively fast) gaussian fit gauss = A * exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2*sig**2)) + offset

Assumes x is sorted

  • x (array of shape (n,)) – x data
  • y (array of shape (n,)) – y data

popt – Parameters A, mu, sigma**2, offset

Return type:

list of shape (4,)

pyreduce.util.gaussfit_linear(x, y)[source]

Transform the gaussian fit into a linear least squares problem, and solve that instead of the non-linear curve fit For efficiency reasons. (roughly 10 times faster than the curve fit)

  • x (array of shape (n,)) – x data
  • y (array of shape (n,)) – y data

coef – a, mu, sig, 0

Return type:


pyreduce.util.gaussval2(x, a, mu, sig, const)[source]
pyreduce.util.gridsearch(func, grid, args=(), kwargs={})[source]
pyreduce.util.helcorr(obs_long, obs_lat, obs_alt, ra2000, dec2000, jd, system='barycentric')[source]

calculates heliocentric Julian date, barycentric and heliocentric radial velocity corrections, using astropy functions

  • obs_long (float) – Longitude of observatory (degrees, western direction is positive)
  • obs_lat (float) – Latitude of observatory (degrees)
  • obs_alt (float) – Altitude of observatory (meters)
  • ra2000 (float) – Right ascension of object for epoch 2000.0 (hours)
  • dec2000 (float) – Declination of object for epoch 2000.0 (degrees)
  • jd (float) – Julian date for the middle of exposure in MJD
  • system ({"barycentric", "heliocentric"}, optional) – reference system of the result, barycentric: around earth-sun gravity center, heliocentric: around sun, usually barycentric is preferred (default: “barycentric)

  • correction (float) – radial velocity correction due to barycentre offset
  • hjd (float) – Heliocentric Julian date for middle of exposure


Interpolate masked values, from non masked values

Parameters:masked (masked_array) – masked array to interpolate on
Returns:interpolated – interpolated non masked array
Return type:array

For Debug purposes

pyreduce.util.make_index(ymin, ymax, xmin, xmax, zero=0)[source]

Create an index (numpy style) that will select part of an image with changing position but fixed height

The user is responsible for making sure the height is constant, otherwise it will still work, but the subsection will not have the desired format

  • ymin (array[ncol](int)) – lower y border
  • ymax (array[ncol](int)) – upper y border
  • xmin (int) – leftmost column
  • xmax (int) – rightmost colum
  • zero (bool, optional) – if True count y array from 0 instead of xmin (default: False)

index – numpy index for the selection of a subsection of an image

Return type:

tuple(array[height, width], array[height, width])

pyreduce.util.middle(f, param, x=None, iterations=40, eps=0.001, poly=False, weight=1, lambda2=-1, mn=None, mx=None)[source]

middle tries to fit a smooth curve that is located along the “middle” of 1D data array f. Filter size “filter” together with the total number of iterations determine the smoothness and the quality of the fit. The total number of iterations can be controlled by limiting the maximum number of iterations (iter) and/or by setting the convergence criterion for the fit (eps) 04-Nov-2000 N.Piskunov wrote. 09-Nov-2011 NP added weights and 2nd derivative constraint as LAM2

  • f (Callable) – Function to fit
  • filter (int) – Smoothing parameter of the optimal filter (or polynomial degree of poly is True)
  • iter (int) – maximum number of iterations [def: 40]
  • eps (float) – convergence level [def: 0.001]
  • mn (float) – minimum function values to be considered [def: min(f)]
  • mx (float) – maximum function values to be considered [def: max(f)]
  • lam2 (float) – constraint on 2nd derivative
  • weight (array(float)) – vector of weights.
pyreduce.util.opt_filter(y, par, par1=None, weight=None, lambda2=-1, maxiter=100)[source]

Optimal filtering of 1D and 2D arrays. Uses tridiag in 1D case and sprsin and linbcg in 2D case. Written by N.Piskunov 8-May-2000

  • f (array) – 1d or 2d array
  • xwidth (int) – filter width (for 2d array width in x direction (1st index)
  • ywidth (int) – (for 2d array only) filter width in y direction (2nd index) if ywidth is missing for 2d array, it set equal to xwidth
  • weight (array(float)) – an array of the same size(s) as f containing values between 0 and 1
  • lambda1 (float) – regularization parameter
  • maxiter (int) – maximum number of iteration for filtering of 2d array
pyreduce.util.plot2d(x, y, z, coeff, title=None)[source]
pyreduce.util.polyfit1d(x, y, degree=1, regularization=0)[source]
pyreduce.util.polyfit2d(x, y, z, degree=1, max_degree=None, scale=True, plot=False, plot_title=None)[source]

A simple 2D plynomial fit to data x, y, z The polynomial can be evaluated with numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyval2d

  • x (array[n]) – x coordinates
  • y (array[n]) – y coordinates
  • z (array[n]) – data values
  • degree (int, optional) – degree of the polynomial fit (default: 1)
  • max_degree ({int, None}, optional) – if given the maximum combined degree of the coefficients is limited to this value
  • scale (bool, optional) – Wether to scale the input arrays x and y to mean 0 and variance 1, to avoid numerical overflows. Especially useful at higher degrees. (default: True)
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the fitted surface and data (slow) (default: False)

coeff – the polynomial coefficients in numpy 2d format, i.e. coeff[i, j] for x**i * y**j

Return type:

array[degree+1, degree+1]

pyreduce.util.polyfit2d_2(x, y, z, degree=1, x0=None, loss='arctan', method='trf', plot=False)[source]
pyreduce.util.polyscale2d(coeff, scale_x, scale_y, copy=True)[source]
pyreduce.util.polyshift2d(coeff, offset_x, offset_y, copy=True)[source]
pyreduce.util.polyvander2d(x, y, degree)[source]
pyreduce.util.remove_bias(img, ihead, bias, bhead, nfiles=1)[source]
pyreduce.util.resample(array, new_size)[source]
pyreduce.util.safe_interpolation(x_old, y_old, x_new=None, fill_value=0)[source]

‘Safe’ interpolation method that should avoid the common pitfalls of spline interpolation

masked arrays are compressed, i.e. only non masked entries are used remove NaN input in x_old and y_old only unique x values are used, corresponding y values are ‘random’ if all else fails, revert to linear interpolation

  • x_old (array of size (n,)) – x values of the data
  • y_old (array of size (n,)) – y values of the data
  • x_new (array of size (m, ) or None, optional) – x values of the interpolated values if None will return the interpolator object (default: None)

y_new – if x_new was given, return the interpolated values otherwise return the interpolator object

Return type:

array of size (m, ) or interpolator


Start logging to log file and command line

Parameters:log_file (str, optional) – name of the logging file (default: “log.log”)
pyreduce.util.swap_extension(fname, ext, path=None)[source]

exchange the extension of the given file with a new one, order=1, iterations=40, eps=0.001, poly=False, weight=1, lambda2=-1, mn=None, mx=None)[source]

top tries to fit a smooth curve to the upper envelope of 1D data array f. Filter size “filter” together with the total number of iterations determine the smoothness and the quality of the fit. The total number of iterations can be controlled by limiting the maximum number of iterations (iter) and/or by setting the convergence criterion for the fit (eps) 04-Nov-2000 N.Piskunov wrote. 09-Nov-2011 NP added weights and 2nd derivative constraint as LAM2

  • f (Callable) – Function to fit
  • filter (int) – Smoothing parameter of the optimal filter (or polynomial degree of poly is True)
  • iter (int) – maximum number of iterations [def: 40]
  • eps (float) – convergence level [def: 0.001]
  • mn (float) – minimum function values to be considered [def: min(f)]
  • mx (float) – maximum function values to be considered [def: max(f)]
  • lam2 (float) – constraint on 2nd derivative
  • weight (array(float)) – vector of weights.

Convert vacuum wavelengths to wavelengths in air Author: Nikolai Piskunov

pyreduce.wavelength_calibration module

Wavelength Calibration by comparison to a reference spectrum Loosely bases on the IDL wavecal function

class pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.AlignmentPlot(ax, obs, lines, offset=(0, 0), plot_title=None)[source]

Bases: object

Makes a plot which can be clicked to align the two spectra, reference and observed


connect the click event with the appropiate function


create and show the reference plot, with the two spectra


On click offset the reference by the distance between click positions

class pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.LineAtlas(element, medium='vac')[source]

Bases: object

class pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.LineList(lines=None)[source]

Bases: object

add_line(wave, order, pos, width, height, flag)[source]
dtype = dtype((numpy.record, [(('wlc', 'WLC'), '>f8'), (('wll', 'WLL'), '>f8'), (('posc', 'POSC'), '>f8'), (('posm', 'POSM'), '>f8'), (('xfirst', 'XFIRST'), '>i2'), (('xlast', 'XLAST'), '>i2'), (('approx', 'APPROX'), 'O'), (('width', 'WIDTH'), '>f8'), (('height', 'HEIGHT'), '>f8'), (('order', 'ORDER'), '>i2'), ('flag', '?')]))
classmethod from_list(wave, order, pos, width, height, flag)[source]
classmethod load(filename)[source]
class pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.WavelengthCalibration(threshold=100, degree=(6, 6), iterations=3, dimensionality='2D', nstep=0, shift_window=0.01, manual=False, polarim=False, lfc_peak_width=3, closing=5, element=None, medium='vac', plot=True, plot_title=None)[source]

Bases: object

Wavelength Calibration Module

Takes an observed wavelength image and the reference linelist and returns the wavelength at each pixel

align(obs, lines)[source]

Align the observation with the reference spectrum Either automatically using cross correlation or manually (visually)

  • obs (array[nrow, ncol]) – observed wavelength calibration spectrum (e.g. obs=ThoriumArgon)
  • lines (struct_array) – reference line data
  • manual (bool, optional) – wether to manually align the spectra (default: False)
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the alignment (default: False)

offset – offset in order and column

Return type:

tuple(int, int)

align_manual(obs, lines)[source]

Open an AlignmentPlot window for manual selection of the alignment

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – observed image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – reference linelist

offset – offset in order and column to be applied to each line in the linelist

Return type:

tuple(int, int)

apply_alignment_offset(lines, offset, select=None)[source]

Apply an offset to the linelist

  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – reference linelist
  • offset (tuple(int, int)) – offset in (order, column)
  • select (array of shape(nlines,), optional) – Mask that defines which lines the offset applies to

lines – linelist with offset applied

Return type:

recarray of shape (nlines,)

auto_id(obs, wave_img, lines)[source]

Automatically identify peaks that are close to known lines

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – observed spectrum
  • wave_img (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – wavelength solution image
  • lines (struc_array) – line data
  • threshold (int, optional) – difference threshold between line positions in m/s, until which a line is considered identified (default: 1)
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the new lines

lines – line data with new flags

Return type:


build_2d_solution(lines, plot=False)[source]

Create a 2D polynomial fit to flagged lines degree : tuple(int, int), optional

polynomial degree of the fit in (column, order) dimension (default: (6, 6))
  • lines (struc_array) – line data
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the solution (default: False)

coef – 2d polynomial coefficients

Return type:

array[degree_x, degree_y]

build_step_solution(lines, plot=False)[source]

Fit the least squares fit to the wavelength points, with additional free parameters for detector gaps, e.g. due to stitching.

The exact method of the fit depends on the dimensionality. Either way we are using the usual polynomial fit for the wavelength, but the x points are modified beforehand by shifting them some amount, at specific indices. We assume that the stitching effects are distributed evenly and we know how many steps we expect (this is set as “nstep”).

  • lines (np.recarray) – linedata
  • plot (bool, optional) – whether to plot results or not, by default False

coefficients of the best fit

Return type:


calculate_AIC(lines, wave_solution)[source]
calculate_residual(wave_solution, lines)[source]

Calculate all residuals of all given lines

Residual = (Wavelength Solution - Expected Wavelength) / Expected Wavelength * speed of light

  • wave_solution (array of shape (degree_x, degree_y)) – polynomial coefficients of the wavelength solution (in numpy format)
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – contains the position of the line on the detector (posm), the order (order), and the expected wavelength (wll)

residual – Residual of each line in m/s

Return type:

array of shape (nlines,)

closing = None

grey closing range for the input image


Create a reference image based on a line list Each line will be approximated by a Gaussian Space inbetween lines is 0 The number of orders is from 0 to the maximum order

Parameters:lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – line data
Returns:img – New reference image
Return type:array of shape (nord, ncol)
degree = None

polynomial degree of the wavelength fit in (pixel, order) direction

Type:tuple(int, int)

Whether to use 1d or 2d fit

Type:{“1D”, “2D”}
element = None

Elements used in the wavelength calibration. Used in AutoId to find more lines from the Atlas

evaluate_solution(pos, order, solution)[source]

Evaluate the 1d or 2d wavelength solution at the given pixel positions and orders

  • pos (array) – pixel position on the detector (i.e. x axis)
  • order (array) – order of each point
  • solution (array of shape (nord, ndegree) or (degree_x, degree_y)) – polynomial coefficients. For mode=1D, one set of coefficients per order. For mode=2D, the first dimension is for the positions and the second for the orders
  • mode (str, optional) – Wether to interpret the solution as 1D or 2D polynomials, by default “1D”

result – Evaluated polynomial

Return type:



ValueError – If pos and order have different shapes, or mode is of the wrong value

evaluate_step_solution(pos, order, solution)[source]
execute(obs, lines)[source]

Perform the whole wavelength calibration procedure with the current settings

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – observed image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – reference linelist

wave_img – Wavelength solution for each pixel

Return type:

array of shape (nord, ncol)


NotImplementedError – If polarimitry flag is set

f(x, poly_coef, step_coef_pos, step_coef_diff)[source]
fit_lines(obs, lines)[source]

Determine exact position of each line on the detector based on initial guess

This fits a Gaussian to each line, and uses the peak position as a new solution

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – observed wavelength calibration image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – reference line data

lines – Updated line information (posm is changed)

Return type:

recarray of shape (nlines,)

g(x, step_coef_pos, step_coef_diff)[source]
iterations = None

Number of iterations in the remove residuals, auto id, loop

lfc_peak_width = None

Laser Frequency Peak width (for scipy.signal.find_peaks)

make_wave(wave_solution, plot=False)[source]

Expand polynomial wavelength solution into full image

  • wave_solution (array of shape(degree,)) – polynomial coefficients of wavelength solution
  • plot (bool, optional) – wether to plot the solution (default: False)

wave_img – wavelength solution for each point in the spectrum

Return type:

array of shape (nord, ncol)

manual = None

Whether to manually align the reference instead of using cross correlation

medium = None

Medium of the detector, vac or air

ncol = None

Number of columns in the observation

nord = None

Number of orders in the observation

normalize(obs, lines)[source]

Normalize the observation and reference list in each order individually Copies the data if the image, but not of the linelist

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – observed image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – reference linelist

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – normalized image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – normalized reference linelist

nstep = None

Whether to fit for pixel steps (offsets) in the detector

plot = None

Whether to plot the results. Set to 2 to plot during all steps.

plot_residuals(lines, coef, title='Residuals')[source]
plot_results(wave_img, obs)[source]
polarim = None

Whether to use polarimetric orders instead of the usual ones. I.e. Each pair of two orders represents the same data. Not Supported yet

reject_lines(lines, plot=False)[source]

Reject the largest outlier one by one until all residuals are lower than the threshold

  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – Line data with pixel position, and expected wavelength
  • threshold (float, optional) – upper limit for the residual, by default 100
  • degree (tuple, optional) – polynomial degree of the wavelength solution (pixel, column) (default: (6, 6))
  • plot (bool, optional) – Wether to plot the results (default: False)

lines – Line data with updated flags

Return type:

recarray of shape (nlines,)

reject_outlier(residual, lines)[source]

Reject the strongest outlier

  • residual (array of shape (nlines,)) – residuals of all lines
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – line data

  • lines (struct_array) – line data with one more flagged line
  • residual (array of shape (nlines,)) – residuals of each line, with outliers masked (including the new one)

shift_window = None

Fraction if the number of columns to use in the alignment of individual orders. Set to 0 to disable

threshold = None

Residual threshold in m/s above which to remove lines

class pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.WavelengthCalibrationComb(threshold=100, degree=(6, 6), iterations=3, dimensionality='2D', nstep=0, shift_window=0.01, manual=False, polarim=False, lfc_peak_width=3, closing=5, element=None, medium='vac', plot=True, plot_title=None)[source]

Bases: pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.WavelengthCalibration

execute(comb, wave, lines=None)[source]

Perform the whole wavelength calibration procedure with the current settings

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – observed image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – reference linelist

wave_img – Wavelength solution for each pixel

Return type:

array of shape (nord, ncol)


NotImplementedError – If polarimitry flag is set

class pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.WavelengthCalibrationInitialize(degree=2, plot=False, plot_title='Wavecal Initial', wave_delta=20, nwalkers=100, steps=50000, resid_delta=1000, cutoff=5, smoothing=0, element='thar', medium='vac')[source]

Bases: pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.WavelengthCalibration

create_new_linelist_from_solution(spectrum, wavelength, atlas, order) → pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.LineList[source]

Create a new linelist based on an existing wavelength solution for a spectrum, and a line atlas with known lines. The linelist is the one used by the rest of PyReduce wavelength calibration.

Observed lines are matched with the lines in the atlas to improve the wavelength solution.

  • spectrum (array) – Observed spectrum at each pixel
  • wavelength (array) – Wavelength of spectrum at each pixel
  • atlas (LineAtlas) – Atlas with wavelength of known lines
  • order (int) – Order of the spectrum within the detector
  • resid_delta (float, optional) – Maximum residual allowed between a peak and the closest line in the atlas, to still match them, in m/s, by default 1000.

linelist – new linelist with lines from this order

Return type:


cutoff = None

minimum value in the spectrum to be considered a spectral line, if the value is above (or equal 1) it defines the percentile of the spectrum

determine_wavelength_coefficients(spectrum, atlas, wave_range) → numpy.ndarray[source]

Determines the wavelength polynomial coefficients of a spectrum, based on an line atlas with known spectral lines, and an initial guess for the wavelength range. The calculation uses an MCMC approach to sample the probability space and find the best cross correlation value, between observation and atlas.

  • spectrum (array) – observed spectrum at each pixel
  • atlas (LineAtlas) – atlas containing a known spectrum with wavelength and flux
  • wave_range (2-tuple) – initial wavelength guess (begin, end)
  • degrees (int, optional) – number of degrees of the wavelength polynomial, lower numbers yield better results, by default 2
  • w_range (float, optional) – uncertainty on the initial wavelength guess in Ansgtrom, by default 20
  • nwalkers (int, optional) – number of walkers for the MCMC, more is better but increases the time, by default 100
  • steps (int, optional) – number of steps in the MCMC per walker, more is better but increases the time, by default 20_000
  • plot (bool, optional) – whether to plot the results or not, by default False

coef – polynomial coefficients in numpy order

Return type:


execute(spectrum, wave_range) → pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.LineList[source]

Perform the whole wavelength calibration procedure with the current settings

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – observed image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – reference linelist

wave_img – Wavelength solution for each pixel

Return type:

array of shape (nord, ncol)


NotImplementedError – If polarimitry flag is set


Normalize the observation and reference list in each order individually Copies the data if the image, but not of the linelist

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – observed image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – reference linelist

  • obs (array of shape (nord, ncol)) – normalized image
  • lines (recarray of shape (nlines,)) – normalized reference linelist

nwalkers = None

number of walkers in the MCMC

resid_delta = None

residual uncertainty allowed when matching observation with known lines

smoothing = None

gaussian smoothing applied to the wavecal spectrum before the MCMC in pixel scale, disable it by setting it to 0

steps = None

number of steps in the MCMC

wave_delta = None

wavelength uncertainty on the initial guess in Angstrom

pyreduce.wavelength_calibration.polyfit(x, y, deg)[source]

Module contents

class pyreduce.TqdmLoggingHandler(level=0)[source]

Bases: logging.Handler


Do whatever it takes to actually log the specified logging record.

This version is intended to be implemented by subclasses and so raises a NotImplementedError.