Source code for pyreduce.estimate_background_scatter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module that estimates the background scatter

import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from .extract import fix_extraction_width, fix_parameters
from .util import make_index, polyfit2d, polyfit2d_2

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def estimate_background_scatter( img, orders, column_range=None, extraction_width=0.1, scatter_degree=4, sigma_cutoff=2, border_width=10, plot=False, plot_title=None, ): """ Estimate the background by fitting a 2d polynomial to interorder data Interorder data is all pixels minus the orders +- the extraction width Parameters ---------- img : array[nrow, ncol] (flat) image data orders : array[nord, degree] order polynomial coefficients column_range : array[nord, 2], optional range of columns to use in each order (default: None == all columns) extraction_width : float, array[nord, 2], optional extraction width for each order, values below 1.5 are considered fractional, others as number of pixels (default: 0.1) scatter_degree : int, optional polynomial degree of the 2d fit for the background scatter (default: 4) plot : bool, optional wether to plot the fitted polynomial and the data or not (default: False) Returns ------- array[nord+1, ncol] background scatter between orders array[nord+1, ncol] y positions of the interorder lines, the scatter values are taken from """ nrow, ncol = img.shape nord, _ = orders.shape extraction_width, column_range, orders = fix_parameters( extraction_width, column_range, orders, nrow, ncol, nord, ignore_column_range=True, ) # Method 1: Select all pixels, but those known to be in orders bw = border_width mask = np.full(img.shape, True) if bw is not None and bw != 0: mask[:bw] = mask[-bw:] = mask[:, :bw] = mask[:, -bw:] = False for i in range(nord): left, right = column_range[i] left -= extraction_width[i, 1] * 2 right += extraction_width[i, 0] * 2 left = max(0, left) right = min(ncol, right) x_order = np.arange(left, right) y_order = np.polyval(orders[i], x_order) y_above = y_order + extraction_width[i, 1] y_below = y_order - extraction_width[i, 0] y_above = np.floor(y_above) y_below = np.ceil(y_below) index = make_index(y_below, y_above, left, right, zero=True) np.clip(index[0], 0, nrow - 1, out=index[0]) mask[index] = False mask &= y, x = np.indices(mask.shape) y, x = y[mask].ravel(), x[mask].ravel() z =[mask]).ravel() mask = z <= np.median(z) + sigma_cutoff * z.std() y, x, z = y[mask], x[mask], z[mask] coeff = polyfit2d(x, y, z, degree=scatter_degree, plot=plot, plot_title=plot_title) logger.debug("Background scatter coefficients: %s", str(coeff)) if plot: # pragma: no cover # Calculate scatter at interorder positionsq yp, xp = np.indices(img.shape) back = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval2d(xp, yp, coeff) plt.subplot(121) plt.title("Input Image + In-between Order traces") plt.xlabel("x [pixel]") plt.ylabel("y [pixel]") vmin, vmax = np.percentile(img - back, (5, 95)) plt.imshow(img - back, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, aspect="equal", origin="lower") plt.plot(x, y, ",") plt.subplot(122) plt.title("2D fit to the scatter between orders") plt.xlabel("x [pixel]") plt.ylabel("y [pixel]") plt.imshow(back, vmin=0, vmax=abs(np.max(back)), aspect="equal", origin="lower") if plot_title is not None: plt.suptitle(plot_title) return coeff