Source code for pyreduce.extract

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module for extracting data from observations




import logging

import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.ndimage import convolve, median_filter
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import binary_hit_or_miss
from tqdm import tqdm

from .cwrappers import slitfunc, slitfunc_curved
from .util import make_index, resample

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ProgressPlot: # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, nrow, ncol, nslitf, nbad=1000, title=None): self.nrow = nrow self.ncol = ncol self.nslitf = nslitf self.nbad = nbad plt.ion() self.fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4)) # self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(231, projection="3d") self.ax1 = self.fig.add_subplot(231) self.ax1.set_title("Swath") self.ax1.set_ylabel("y [pixel]") self.ax2 = self.fig.add_subplot(132) self.ax2.set_title("Spectrum") self.ax2.set_xlabel("x [pixel]") self.ax2.set_ylabel("flux [arb. unit]") self.ax2.set_xlim((0, ncol)) self.ax3 = self.fig.add_subplot(133) self.ax3.set_title("Slit") self.ax3.set_xlabel("y [pixel]") self.ax3.set_ylabel("contribution [1]") self.ax3.set_xlim((0, nrow)) # self.ax4 = self.fig.add_subplot(234, projection="3d") self.ax4 = self.fig.add_subplot(234) self.ax4.set_title("Model") self.ax4.set_xlabel("x [pixel]") self.ax4.set_ylabel("y [pixel]") self.title = title if title is not None: self.fig.suptitle(title) self.fig.tight_layout() # Just plot empty pictures, to create the plots # Update the data later img = np.ones((nrow, ncol)) # y, x = np.indices((nrow, ncol)) # self.im_obs = self.ax1.plot_surface(x, y, img) # self.im_model = self.ax4.plot_surface(x, y, img) self.im_obs = self.ax1.imshow(img) self.im_model = self.ax4.imshow(img) (self.dots_spec,) = self.ax2.plot( np.zeros(nrow * ncol), np.zeros(nrow * ncol), ".r", ms=2, alpha=0.6 ) (self.line_spec,) = self.ax2.plot(np.zeros(ncol), "-k") (self.mask_spec,) = self.ax2.plot(np.zeros(self.nbad), "Pg") (self.dots_slit,) = self.ax3.plot( np.zeros(nrow * ncol), np.zeros(nrow * ncol), ".r", ms=2, alpha=0.6 ) (self.line_slit,) = self.ax3.plot(np.zeros(nrow), "-k", lw=2) (self.mask_slit,) = self.ax3.plot(np.zeros(self.nbad), "Pg") # self.ax1.set_zscale("log") # self.ax4.set_zscale("log") self.fig.canvas.draw() self.fig.canvas.flush_events()
[docs] def fix_linear(self, data, limit, fill=0): """Assures the size of the 1D array data is equal to limit""" if len(data) > limit: data = data[:limit] elif len(data) < limit: padding = np.full(limit - len(data), fill, dtype=data.dtype) data = np.concatenate((data, padding)) return data
[docs] def plot(self, img, spec, slitf, model, ycen, mask, ord_num, left, right): img = np.copy(img) spec = np.copy(spec) slitf = np.copy(slitf) ycen = np.copy(ycen) ny = img.shape[0] nspec = img.shape[1] x_spec, y_spec = self.get_spec(img, spec, slitf, ycen) x_slit, y_slit = self.get_slitf(img, spec, slitf, ycen) ycen = ycen + ny / 2 old = np.linspace(-1, ny, len(slitf)) # Fix Sizes mask_spec_x = self.fix_linear(x_spec[mask.ravel()], self.nbad, fill=np.nan) mask_spec = self.fix_linear(y_spec[mask.ravel()], self.nbad, fill=np.nan) mask_slit_x = self.fix_linear(x_slit[mask.ravel()], self.nbad, fill=np.nan) mask_slit = self.fix_linear(y_slit[mask.ravel()], self.nbad, fill=np.nan) ycen = self.fix_linear(ycen, self.ncol) x_spec = self.fix_linear(x_spec, self.ncol * self.nrow) y_spec = self.fix_linear(y_spec, self.ncol * self.nrow) spec = self.fix_linear(spec, self.ncol) x_slit = self.fix_linear(x_slit, self.ncol * self.nrow) y_slit = self.fix_linear(y_slit, self.ncol * self.nrow) old = self.fix_linear(old, self.nslitf) sf = self.fix_linear(slitf, self.nslitf) # Update Data model = np.clip(model, 0, np.max(model[5:-5, 5:-5]) * 1.1) self.im_obs.remove() img = np.clip(img, 0, np.max(model) * 1.1) # y, x = np.indices(img.shape) # self.im_obs = self.ax1.plot_surface(x, y, img) self.im_obs = self.ax1.imshow(img, aspect="auto", origin="lower") vmin, vmax = self.im_obs.norm.vmin, self.im_obs.norm.vmax self.im_model.remove() # y, x = np.indices(model.shape) # self.im_model = self.ax4.plot_surface(x, y, model) self.im_model = self.ax4.imshow( model, aspect="auto", origin="lower", vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax ) # self.line_ycen.set_ydata(ycen) self.dots_spec.set_xdata(x_spec) self.dots_spec.set_ydata(y_spec) self.line_spec.set_ydata(spec) self.mask_spec.set_xdata(mask_spec_x) self.mask_spec.set_ydata(mask_spec) self.dots_slit.set_xdata(x_slit) self.dots_slit.set_ydata(y_slit) self.line_slit.set_xdata(old) self.line_slit.set_ydata(sf) self.mask_slit.set_xdata(mask_slit_x) self.mask_slit.set_ydata(mask_slit) self.ax2.set_xlim((0, nspec - 1)) limit = np.nanmax(spec[5:-5]) * 1.1 if not np.isnan(limit): self.ax2.set_ylim((0, limit)) self.ax3.set_xlim((0, ny - 1)) limit = np.nanmax(sf) * 1.1 if not np.isnan(limit): self.ax3.set_ylim((0, limit)) title = f"Order {ord_num}, Columns {left} - {right}" if self.title is not None: title = f"{self.title}\n{title}" self.fig.suptitle(title) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.fig.canvas.flush_events()
[docs] def close(self): plt.ioff() plt.close()
[docs] def get_spec(self, img, spec, slitf, ycen): """get the spectrum corrected by the slit function""" nrow, ncol = img.shape x, y = np.indices(img.shape) ycen = ycen - ycen.astype(int) x = x - ycen + 0.5 old = np.linspace(-1, nrow - 1 + 1, len(slitf)) sf = np.interp(x, old, slitf) x = img / sf x = x.ravel() y = y.ravel() return y, x
[docs] def get_slitf(self, img, spec, slitf, ycen): """get the slit function""" x = np.indices(img.shape)[0] ycen = ycen - ycen.astype(int) if np.any(spec == 0): i = np.arange(len(spec)) try: spec = interp1d( i[spec != 0], spec[spec != 0], fill_value="extrapolate" )(i) except ValueError: spec[spec == 0] = np.median(spec) y = img / spec[None, :] y = y.ravel() x = x - ycen + 0.5 x = x.ravel() return x, y
[docs]class Swath: def __init__(self, nswath): self.nswath = nswath self.spec = [None] * nswath self.slitf = [None] * nswath self.model = [None] * nswath self.unc = [None] * nswath self.mask = [None] * nswath = [None] * nswath def __len__(self): return self.nswath def __getitem__(self, key): return ( self.spec[key], self.slitf[key], self.model[key], self.unc[key], self.mask[key],[key], ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.spec[key] = value[0] self.slitf[key] = value[1] self.model[key] = value[2] self.unc[key] = value[3] self.mask[key] = value[4][key] = value[5]
[docs]def fix_parameters(xwd, cr, orders, nrow, ncol, nord, ignore_column_range=False): """Fix extraction width and column range, so that all pixels used are within the image. I.e. the column range is cut so that the everything is within the image Parameters ---------- xwd : float, array Extraction width, either one value for all orders, or the whole array cr : 2-tuple(int), array Column range, either one value for all orders, or the whole array orders : array polynomial coefficients that describe each order nrow : int Number of rows in the image ncol : int Number of columns in the image nord : int Number of orders in the image ignore_column_range : bool, optional if true does not change the column range, however this may lead to problems with the extraction, by default False Returns ------- xwd : array fixed extraction width cr : array fixed column range orders : array the same orders as before """ if xwd is None: xwd = 0.5 if np.isscalar(xwd): xwd = np.tile([xwd, xwd], (nord, 1)) else: xwd = np.asarray(xwd) if xwd.ndim == 1: xwd = np.tile(xwd, (nord, 1)) if cr is None: cr = np.tile([0, ncol], (nord, 1)) else: cr = np.asarray(cr) if cr.ndim == 1: cr = np.tile(cr, (nord, 1)) orders = np.asarray(orders) xwd = np.array([xwd[0], *xwd, xwd[-1]]) cr = np.array([cr[0], *cr, cr[-1]]) orders = extend_orders(orders, nrow) xwd = fix_extraction_width(xwd, orders, cr, ncol) if not ignore_column_range: cr = fix_column_range(cr, orders, xwd, nrow, ncol) orders = orders[1:-1] xwd = xwd[1:-1] cr = cr[1:-1] return xwd, cr, orders
[docs]def extend_orders(orders, nrow): """Extrapolate extra orders above and below the existing ones Parameters ---------- orders : array[nord, degree] order tracing coefficients nrow : int number of rows in the image Returns ------- orders : array[nord + 2, degree] extended orders """ nord, ncoef = orders.shape if nord > 1: order_low = 2 * orders[0] - orders[1] order_high = 2 * orders[-1] - orders[-2] else: order_low = [0 for _ in range(ncoef)] order_high = [0 for _ in range(ncoef - 1)] + [nrow] return np.array([order_low, *orders, order_high])
[docs]def fix_extraction_width(xwd, orders, cr, ncol): """Convert fractional extraction width to pixel range Parameters ---------- extraction_width : array[nord, 2] current extraction width, in pixels or fractions (for values below 1.5) orders : array[nord, degree] order tracing coefficients column_range : array[nord, 2] column range to use ncol : int number of columns in image Returns ------- extraction_width : array[nord, 2] updated extraction width in pixels """ if not np.all(xwd > 1.5): # if extraction width is in relative scale transform to pixel scale x = np.arange(ncol) for i in range(1, len(xwd) - 1): for j in [0, 1]: if xwd[i, j] < 1.5: k = i - 1 if j == 0 else i + 1 left = max(cr[[i, k], 0]) right = min(cr[[i, k], 1]) if right < left: raise ValueError( f"Check your column ranges. Orders {i} and {k} are weird" ) current = np.polyval(orders[i], x[left:right]) below = np.polyval(orders[k], x[left:right]) xwd[i, j] *= np.min(np.abs(current - below)) xwd[0] = xwd[1] xwd[-1] = xwd[-2] xwd = np.ceil(xwd).astype(int) return xwd
[docs]def fix_column_range(column_range, orders, extraction_width, nrow, ncol): """Fix the column range, so that no pixels outside the image will be accessed (Thus avoiding errors) Parameters ---------- img : array[nrow, ncol] image orders : array[nord, degree] order tracing coefficients extraction_width : array[nord, 2] extraction width in pixels, (below, above) column_range : array[nord, 2] current column range no_clip : bool, optional if False, new column range will be smaller or equal to current column range, otherwise it can also be larger (default: False) Returns ------- column_range : array[nord, 2] updated column range """ ix = np.arange(ncol) # Loop over non extension orders for i, order in zip(range(1, len(orders) - 1), orders[1:-1]): # Shift order trace up/down by extraction_width coeff_bot, coeff_top = np.copy(order), np.copy(order) coeff_bot[-1] -= extraction_width[i, 0] coeff_top[-1] += extraction_width[i, 1] y_bot = np.polyval(coeff_bot, ix) # low edge of arc y_top = np.polyval(coeff_top, ix) # high edge of arc # find regions of pixels inside the image # then use the region that most closely resembles the existing column range (from order tracing) # but clip it to the existing column range (order tracing polynomials are not well defined outside the original range) points_in_image = np.where((y_bot >= 0) & (y_top < nrow))[0] if len(points_in_image) == 0: raise ValueError( f"No pixels are completely within the extraction width for order {i}" ) regions = np.where(np.diff(points_in_image) != 1)[0] regions = [(r, r + 1) for r in regions] regions = [ points_in_image[0], *points_in_image[(regions,)].ravel(), points_in_image[-1], ] regions = [[regions[i], regions[i + 1] + 1] for i in range(0, len(regions), 2)] overlap = [ min(reg[1], column_range[i, 1]) - max(reg[0], column_range[i, 0]) for reg in regions ] iregion = np.argmax(overlap) column_range[i] = np.clip( regions[iregion], column_range[i, 0], column_range[i, 1] ) column_range[0] = column_range[1] column_range[-1] = column_range[-2] return column_range
[docs]def make_bins(swath_width, xlow, xhigh, ycen): """Create bins for the swathes Bins are roughly equally sized, have roughly length swath width (if given) and overlap roughly half-half with each other Parameters ---------- swath_width : {int, None} initial value for the swath_width, bins will have roughly that size, but exact value may change if swath_width is None, determine a good value, from the data xlow : int lower bound for x values xhigh : int upper bound for x values ycen : array[ncol] center of the order trace Returns ------- nbin : int number of bins bins_start : array[nbin] left(beginning) side of the bins bins_end : array[nbin] right(ending) side of the bins """ if swath_width is None: ncol = len(ycen) i = np.unique(ycen.astype(int)) # Points of row crossing # ni = len(i) # This is how many times this order crosses to the next row if len(i) > 1: # Curved order crosses rows i = np.sum(i[1:] - i[:-1]) / (len(i) - 1) nbin = np.clip( int(np.round(ncol / i)) // 3, 3, 20 ) # number of swaths along the order else: # Perfectly aligned orders nbin = np.clip(ncol // 400, 3, None) # Still follow the changes in PSF nbin = nbin * (xhigh - xlow) // ncol # Adjust for the true order length else: nbin = np.clip(int(np.round((xhigh - xlow) / swath_width)), 1, None) bins = np.linspace(xlow, xhigh, 2 * nbin + 1) # boundaries of bins bins_start = np.ceil(bins[:-2]).astype(int) # beginning of each bin bins_end = np.floor(bins[2:]).astype(int) # end of each bin return nbin, bins_start, bins_end
[docs]def calc_telluric_correction(telluric, img): # pragma: no cover """Calculate telluric correction If set to specific integer larger than 1 is used as the offset from the order center line. The sky is then estimated by computing median signal between this offset and the upper/lower limit of the extraction window. Parameters ---------- telluric : int telluric correction parameter img : array image of the swath Returns ------- tell : array telluric correction """ width, height = img.shape tel_lim = telluric if telluric > 5 and telluric < height / 2 else min(5, height / 3) tel = np.sum(img, axis=0) itel = np.arange(height) itel = itel[np.abs(itel - height / 2) >= tel_lim] tel = img[itel, :] sc = np.zeros(width) for itel in range(width): sc[itel] =[itel]) return sc
[docs]def calc_scatter_correction(scatter, index): """Calculate scatter correction by interpolating between values? Parameters ---------- scatter : array of shape (degree_x, degree_y) 2D polynomial coefficients of the background scatter index : tuple (array, array) indices of the swath within the overall image Returns ------- scatter_correction : array of shape (swath_width, swath_height) correction for scattered light """ # The indices in the image are switched y, x = index scatter_correction = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval2d(x, y, scatter) return scatter_correction
[docs]def extract_spectrum( img, ycen, yrange, xrange, gain=1, readnoise=0, lambda_sf=0.1, lambda_sp=0, osample=1, swath_width=None, maxiter=20, telluric=None, scatter=None, normalize=False, threshold=0, tilt=None, shear=None, plot=False, plot_title=None, im_norm=None, im_ordr=None, out_spec=None, out_sunc=None, out_slitf=None, out_mask=None, progress=None, ord_num=0, **kwargs, ): """ Extract the spectrum of a single order from an image The order is split into several swathes of roughly swath_width length, which overlap half-half For each swath a spectrum and slitfunction are extracted overlapping sections are combined using linear weights (centrum is strongest, falling off to the edges) Here is the layout for the bins: :: 1st swath 3rd swath 5th swath ... /============|============|============|============|============| 2nd swath 4th swath 6th swath |------------|------------|------------|------------| |.....| overlap + ******* 1 + * + * * weights (+) previous swath, (*) current swath * + * + * +++++++ 0 Parameters ---------- img : array[nrow, ncol] observation (or similar) ycen : array[ncol] order trace of the current order yrange : tuple(int, int) extraction width in pixles, below and above xrange : tuple(int, int) columns range to extract (low, high) gain : float, optional adu to electron, amplifier gain (default: 1) readnoise : float, optional read out noise factor (default: 0) lambda_sf : float, optional slit function smoothing parameter, usually very small (default: 0.1) lambda_sp : int, optional spectrum smoothing parameter, usually very small (default: 0) osample : int, optional oversampling factor, i.e. how many subpixels to create per pixel (default: 1, i.e. no oversampling) swath_width : int, optional swath width suggestion, actual width depends also on ncol, see make_bins (default: None, which will determine the width based on the order tracing) telluric : {float, None}, optional telluric correction factor (default: None, i.e. no telluric correction) scatter : {array, None}, optional background scatter as 2d polynomial coefficients (default: None, no correction) normalize : bool, optional whether to create a normalized image. If true, im_norm and im_ordr are used as output (default: False) threshold : int, optional threshold for normalization (default: 0) tilt : array[ncol], optional The tilt (1st order curvature) of the slit in this order for the curved extraction (default: None, i.e. tilt = 0) shear : array[ncol], optional The shear (2nd order curvature) of the slit in this order for the curved extraction (default: None, i.e. shear = 0) plot : bool, optional wether to plot the progress, plotting will slow down the procedure significantly (default: False) ord_num : int, optional current order number, just for plotting (default: 0) im_norm : array[nrow, ncol], optional normalized image, only output if normalize is True (default: None) im_ordr : array[nrow, ncol], optional image of the order blaze, only output if normalize is True (default: None) Returns ------- spec : array[ncol] extracted spectrum slitf : array[nslitf] extracted slitfunction mask : array[ncol] mask of the column range to use in the spectrum unc : array[ncol] uncertainty on the spectrum """ _, ncol = img.shape ylow, yhigh = yrange xlow, xhigh = xrange nslitf = osample * (ylow + yhigh + 2) + 1 height = yhigh + ylow + 1 ycen_int = np.floor(ycen).astype(int) spec = np.zeros(ncol) if out_spec is None else out_spec sunc = np.zeros(ncol) if out_sunc is None else out_sunc mask = np.full(ncol, False) if out_mask is None else out_mask slitf = np.zeros(nslitf) if out_slitf is None else out_slitf nbin, bins_start, bins_end = make_bins(swath_width, xlow, xhigh, ycen) nswath = 2 * nbin - 1 swath = Swath(nswath) margin = np.zeros((nswath, 2), int) if normalize: norm_img = [None] * nswath norm_model = [None] * nswath # Perform slit decomposition within each swath stepping through the order with # half swath width. Spectra for each decomposition are combined with linear weights. with tqdm( enumerate(zip(bins_start, bins_end)), total=len(bins_start), leave=False, desc="Swath", ) as t: for ihalf, (ibeg, iend) in t: logger.debug("Extracting Swath %i, Columns: %i - %i", ihalf, ibeg, iend) # Cut out swath from image index = make_index(ycen_int - ylow, ycen_int + yhigh, ibeg, iend) swath_img = img[index] swath_ycen = ycen[ibeg:iend] # Corrections # TODO: what is it even supposed to do? if telluric is not None: # pragma: no cover telluric_correction = calc_telluric_correction(telluric, swath_img) else: telluric_correction = 0 if scatter is not None: scatter_correction = calc_scatter_correction(scatter, index) else: scatter_correction = 0 swath_img -= scatter_correction + telluric_correction # Do Slitfunction extraction swath_tilt = tilt[ibeg:iend] if tilt is not None else 0 swath_shear = shear[ibeg:iend] if shear is not None else 0 swath[ihalf] = slitfunc_curved( swath_img, swath_ycen, swath_tilt, swath_shear, lambda_sp=lambda_sp, lambda_sf=lambda_sf, osample=osample, yrange=yrange, maxiter=maxiter, gain=gain, ) t.set_postfix(chi=f"{swath[ihalf][5][1]:1.2f}") if normalize: # Save image and model for later # Use np.divide to avoid divisions by zero where = swath.model[ihalf] > threshold / gain norm_img[ihalf] = np.ones_like(swath.model[ihalf]) np.divide( np.abs(swath_img), swath.model[ihalf], where=where, out=norm_img[ihalf], ) norm_model[ihalf] = swath.model[ihalf] if plot >= 2 and not np.all(np.isnan(swath_img)): # pragma: no cover if progress is None: progress = ProgressPlot( swath_img.shape[0], swath_img.shape[1], nslitf, title=plot_title ) progress.plot( swath_img, swath.spec[ihalf], swath.slitf[ihalf], swath.model[ihalf], swath_ycen, swath.mask[ihalf], ord_num, ibeg, iend, ) # Remove points at the border of the each swath, if order has tilt # as those pixels have bad information for i in range(nswath): margin[i, :] = int([i][4]) + 1 # Weight for combining swaths weight = [np.ones(bins_end[i] - bins_start[i]) for i in range(nswath)] weight[0][: margin[0, 0]] = 0 weight[-1][len(weight[-1]) - margin[-1, 1] :] = 0 for i, j in zip(range(0, nswath - 1), range(1, nswath)): width = bins_end[i] - bins_start[i] overlap = bins_end[i] - bins_start[j] # Start and end indices for the two swaths start_i = width - overlap + margin[j, 0] end_i = width - margin[i, 1] start_j = margin[j, 0] end_j = overlap - margin[i, 1] # Weights for one overlap from 0 to 1, but do not include those values (whats the point?) triangle = np.linspace(0, 1, overlap + 1, endpoint=False)[1:] # Cut away the margins at the corners triangle = triangle[margin[j, 0] : len(triangle) - margin[i, 1]] # Set values weight[i][start_i:end_i] = 1 - triangle weight[j][start_j:end_j] = triangle # Don't use the pixels at the egdes (due to curvature) weight[i][end_i:] = 0 weight[j][:start_j] = 0 # Update column range xrange[0] += margin[0, 0] xrange[1] -= margin[-1, 1] mask[: xrange[0]] = True mask[xrange[1] :] = True # Apply weights for i, (ibeg, iend) in enumerate(zip(bins_start, bins_end)): spec[ibeg:iend] += swath.spec[i] * weight[i] sunc[ibeg:iend] += swath.unc[i] * weight[i] if normalize: for i, (ibeg, iend) in enumerate(zip(bins_start, bins_end)): index = make_index(ycen_int - ylow, ycen_int + yhigh, ibeg, iend) im_norm[index] += norm_img[i] * weight[i] im_ordr[index] += norm_model[i] * weight[i] slitf[:] = np.mean(swath.slitf, axis=0) sunc[:] = np.sqrt(sunc ** 2 + (readnoise / gain) ** 2) return spec, slitf, mask, sunc
[docs]def model(spec, slitf): return spec[None, :] * slitf[:, None]
[docs]def get_y_scale(ycen, xrange, extraction_width, nrow): """Calculate the y limits of the order This is especially important at the edges Parameters ---------- ycen : array[ncol] order trace xrange : tuple(int, int) column range extraction_width : tuple(int, int) extraction width in pixels below and above the order nrow : int number of rows in the image, defines upper edge Returns ------- y_low, y_high : int, int lower and upper y bound for extraction """ ycen = ycen[xrange[0] : xrange[1]] ymin = ycen - extraction_width[0] ymin = np.floor(ymin) if min(ymin) < 0: ymin = ymin - min(ymin) # help for orders at edge if max(ymin) >= nrow: ymin = ymin - max(ymin) + nrow - 1 # helps at edge ymax = ycen + extraction_width[1] ymax = np.ceil(ymax) if max(ymax) >= nrow: ymax = ymax - max(ymax) + nrow - 1 # helps at edge # Define a fixed height area containing one spectral order y_lower_lim = int(np.min(ycen - ymin)) # Pixels below center line y_upper_lim = int(np.min(ymax - ycen)) # Pixels above center line return y_lower_lim, y_upper_lim
[docs]def optimal_extraction( img, orders, extraction_width, column_range, tilt, shear, plot=False, plot_title=None, **kwargs, ): """Use optimal extraction to get spectra This functions just loops over the orders, the actual work is done in extract_spectrum Parameters ---------- img : array[nrow, ncol] image to extract orders : array[nord, degree] order tracing coefficients extraction_width : array[nord, 2] extraction width in pixels column_range : array[nord, 2] column range to use scatter : array[nord, 4, ncol] background scatter (or None) **kwargs other parameters for the extraction (see extract_spectrum) Returns ------- spectrum : array[nord, ncol] extracted spectrum slitfunction : array[nord, nslitf] recovered slitfunction uncertainties: array[nord, ncol] uncertainties on the spectrum """"Using optimal extraction to produce spectrum") nrow, ncol = img.shape nord = len(orders) spectrum = np.zeros((nord, ncol)) uncertainties = np.zeros((nord, ncol)) slitfunction = [None for _ in range(nord)] if tilt is None: tilt = [None for _ in range(nord)] if shear is None: shear = [None for _ in range(nord)] # Add mask as defined by column ranges mask = np.full((nord, ncol), True) for i in range(nord): mask[i, column_range[i, 0] : column_range[i, 1]] = False spectrum =, mask=mask) uncertainties =, mask=mask) ix = np.arange(ncol) if plot >= 2: # pragma: no cover ncol_swath = kwargs.get("swath_width", img.shape[1] // 400) nrow_swath = np.sum(extraction_width, axis=1).max() nslitf_swath = (nrow_swath + 2) * kwargs.get("osample", 1) + 1 progress = ProgressPlot(nrow_swath, ncol_swath, nslitf_swath, title=plot_title) else: progress = None for i in tqdm(range(nord), desc="Order"): logger.debug("Extracting relative order %i out of %i", i + 1, nord) # Define a fixed height area containing one spectral order ycen = np.polyval(orders[i], ix) yrange = get_y_scale(ycen, column_range[i], extraction_width[i], nrow) osample = kwargs.get("osample", 1) slitfunction[i] = np.zeros(osample * (sum(yrange) + 2) + 1) # Return values are set by reference, as the out parameters # Also column_range is adjusted depending on the shear # This is to avoid large chunks of memory of essentially duplicates extract_spectrum( img, ycen, yrange, column_range[i], tilt=tilt[i], shear=shear[i], out_spec=spectrum[i], out_sunc=uncertainties[i], out_slitf=slitfunction[i], out_mask=mask[i], progress=progress, ord_num=i + 1, plot=plot, plot_title=plot_title, **kwargs, ) if plot >= 2: # pragma: no cover progress.close() if plot: # pragma: no cover plot_comparison( img, orders, spectrum, slitfunction, extraction_width, column_range, title=plot_title, ) return spectrum, slitfunction, uncertainties
[docs]def correct_for_curvature(img_order, tilt, shear, xwd): # img_order =, np.nan) mask = xt = np.arange(img_order.shape[1]) for y, yt in zip(range(xwd[0] + xwd[1]), range(-xwd[0], xwd[1])): xi = xt + yt * tilt + yt ** 2 * shear img_order[y] = np.interp( xi, xt[mask[y]], img_order[y][mask[y]], left=0, right=0 ) xt = np.arange(img_order.shape[0]) for x in range(img_order.shape[1]): img_order[:, x] = np.interp( xt, xt[mask[:, x]], img_order[:, x][mask[:, x]], left=0, right=0 ) return img_order
[docs]def model_image(img, xwd, tilt, shear): # Correct image for curvature height = img.shape[0] img = correct_for_curvature(img, tilt, shear, xwd) # Find slitfunction using the median to avoid outliers slitf =, axis=1) slitf /= # Use the slitfunction to find spectrum spec = / slitf[:, None], axis=0) # Create model from slitfunction and spectrum model = spec[None, :] * slitf[:, None] # Reapply curvature to the model model = correct_for_curvature(model, -tilt, -shear, xwd) return model, spec, slitf
[docs]def get_mask(img, model): # 99.73 = 3 sigma, 2 * 3 = 6 sigma residual = - model) median, vmax = np.percentile(, (50, 99.73)) vmax = median + 2 * (vmax - median) return residual > vmax
[docs]def arc_extraction( img, orders, extraction_width, column_range, gain=1, readnoise=0, dark=0, plot=False, plot_title=None, tilt=None, shear=None, collapse_function="median", **kwargs, ): """Use "simple" arc extraction to get a spectrum Arc extraction simply takes the sum orthogonal to the order for extraction width pixels This extraction makes a few rough assumptions and does not provide the most accurate results, but rather a good approximation Parameters ---------- img : array[nrow, ncol] image to extract orders : array[nord, order] order tracing coefficients extraction_width : array[nord, 2] extraction width in pixels column_range : array[nord, 2] column range to use gain : float, optional adu to electron, amplifier gain (default: 1) readnoise : float, optional read out noise (default: 0) dark : float, optional dark current noise (default: 0) plot : bool, optional wether to plot the results (default: False) Returns ------- spectrum : array[nord, ncol] extracted spectrum uncertainties : array[nord, ncol] uncertainties on extracted spectrum """"Using arc extraction to produce spectrum") _, ncol = img.shape nord, _ = orders.shape spectrum = np.zeros((nord, ncol)) uncertainties = np.zeros((nord, ncol)) # Add mask as defined by column ranges mask = np.full((nord, ncol), True) for i in range(nord): mask[i, column_range[i, 0] : column_range[i, 1]] = False spectrum =, mask=mask) uncertainties =, mask=mask) x = np.arange(ncol) for i in tqdm(range(nord), desc="Order"): logger.debug("Calculating order %i out of %i", i + 1, nord) x_left_lim = column_range[i, 0] x_right_lim = column_range[i, 1] # Rectify the image, i.e. remove the shape of the order # Then the center of the order is within one pixel variations ycen = np.polyval(orders[i], x).astype(int) yb, yt = ycen - extraction_width[i, 0], ycen + extraction_width[i, 1] height = extraction_width[i, 0] + extraction_width[i, 1] + 1 index = make_index(yb, yt, x_left_lim, x_right_lim) img_order = img[index] # Correct for tilt and shear # For each row of the rectified order, interpolate onto the shifted row # Masked pixels are set to 0, similar to the summation if tilt is not None and shear is not None: img_order = correct_for_curvature( img_order, tilt[i, x_left_lim:x_right_lim], shear[i, x_left_lim:x_right_lim], extraction_width[i], ) # Sum over the prepared image if collapse_function == "sum": arc =, axis=0) elif collapse_function == "mean": arc =, axis=0) * img_order.shape[0] elif collapse_function == "median": arc =, axis=0) * img_order.shape[0] else: raise ValueError( "Could not determine the arc method, expected one of ('sum', 'mean', 'median'), but got %s" % collapse_function ) # Store results spectrum[i, x_left_lim:x_right_lim] = arc uncertainties[i, x_left_lim:x_right_lim] = ( np.sqrt(np.abs(arc * gain + dark + readnoise ** 2)) / gain ) if plot: # pragma: no cover plot_comparison( img, orders, spectrum, None, extraction_width, column_range, title=plot_title, ) return spectrum, uncertainties
[docs]def plot_comparison( original, orders, spectrum, slitf, extraction_width, column_range, title=None ): # pragma: no cover nrow, ncol = original.shape nord = len(orders) output = np.zeros((np.sum(extraction_width) + nord, ncol)) pos = [0] x = np.arange(ncol) for i in range(nord): ycen = np.polyval(orders[i], x) yb = ycen - extraction_width[i, 0] yt = ycen + extraction_width[i, 1] xl, xr = column_range[i] index = make_index(yb, yt, xl, xr) yl = pos[i] yr = pos[i] + index[0].shape[0] output[yl:yr, xl:xr] = original[index] vmin, vmax = np.percentile(output[yl:yr, xl:xr], (5, 95)) output[yl:yr, xl:xr] = np.clip(output[yl:yr, xl:xr], vmin, vmax) output[yl:yr, xl:xr] -= vmin output[yl:yr, xl:xr] /= vmax - vmin pos += [yr] plt.imshow(output, origin="lower", aspect="auto") for i in range(nord): try: tmp = spectrum[i, column_range[i, 0] : column_range[i, 1]] # if len(tmp) vmin = np.min(tmp[tmp != 0]) tmp = np.copy(spectrum[i]) tmp[tmp != 0] -= vmin np.log(tmp, out=tmp, where=tmp > 0) tmp = tmp / np.max(tmp) * 0.9 * (pos[i + 1] - pos[i]) tmp += pos[i] tmp[tmp < pos[i]] = pos[i] plt.plot(x, tmp, "r") except: pass locs = np.sum(extraction_width, axis=1) + 1 locs = np.array([0, *np.cumsum(locs)[:-1]]) locs[:-1] += (np.diff(locs) * 0.5).astype(int) locs[-1] += ((output.shape[0] - locs[-1]) * 0.5).astype(int) plt.yticks(locs, range(len(locs))) plot_title = "Extracted Spectrum vs. Rectified Image" if title is not None: plot_title = f"{title}\n{plot_title}" plt.title(plot_title) plt.xlabel("x [pixel]") plt.ylabel("order")
[docs]def extract( img, orders, column_range=None, order_range=None, extraction_width=0.5, extraction_type="optimal", tilt=None, shear=None, sigma_cutoff=0, **kwargs, ): """ Extract the spectrum from an image Parameters ---------- img : array[nrow, ncol](float) observation to extract orders : array[nord, degree](float) polynomial coefficients of the order tracing column_range : array[nord, 2](int), optional range of pixels to use for each order (default: use all) order_range : array[2](int), optional range of orders to extract, orders have to be consecutive (default: use all) extraction_width : array[nord, 2]({float, int}), optional extraction width above and below each order, values below 1.5 are considered relative, while values above are absolute (default: 0.5) extraction_type : {"optimal", "arc", "normalize"}, optional which extracttion algorithm to use, "optimal" uses optimal extraction, "arc" uses simple arc extraction, and "normalize" also uses optimal extraction, but returns the normalized image (default: "optimal") tilt : float or array[nord, ncol], optional The tilt (1st order curvature) of the slit for curved extraction. Will use vertical extraction if no tilt is set. (default: None, i.e. tilt = 0) shear : float or array[nord, ncol], optional The shear (2nd order curvature) of the slit for curved extraction (default: None, i.e. shear = 0) polarization : bool, optional if true, pairs of orders are considered to belong to the same order, but different polarization. Only affects the scatter (default: False) **kwargs, optional parameters for extraction functions Returns ------- spec : array[nord, ncol](float) extracted spectrum for each order uncertainties : array[nord, ncol](float) uncertainties on the spectrum if extraction_type == "normalize" instead return im_norm : array[nrow, ncol](float) normalized image im_ordr : array[nrow, ncol](float) image with just the orders blaze : array[nord, ncol](float) extracted spectrum (equals blaze if img was the flat field) """ nrow, ncol = img.shape nord, _ = orders.shape if order_range is None: order_range = (0, nord) if np.isscalar(tilt): n = order_range[1] - order_range[0] tilt = np.full((n, ncol), tilt) if np.isscalar(shear): n = order_range[1] - order_range[0] shear = np.full((n, ncol), shear) # Fix the input parameters extraction_width, column_range, orders = fix_parameters( extraction_width, column_range, orders, nrow, ncol, nord ) # Limit orders (and related properties) to orders in range nord = order_range[1] - order_range[0] orders = orders[order_range[0] : order_range[1]] column_range = column_range[order_range[0] : order_range[1]] extraction_width = extraction_width[order_range[0] : order_range[1]] # if sigma_cutoff > 0: # # Blur the image and mask outliers # img =, copy=False) #[img.mask] = 0 # # Use the median of the sorounding pixels (excluding the pixel itself) # footprint = np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) # dilated = median_filter(img, footprint=footprint) # diff = - dilated) # # median = 50%; 3 sigma = 99.73 % # median, std = np.percentile(diff.compressed(), (50, 99.73)) # mask = diff > median + sigma_cutoff * std / 3 # img[mask] = if extraction_type == "optimal": # the "normal" case, except for wavelength calibration files spectrum, slitfunction, uncertainties = optimal_extraction( img, orders, extraction_width, column_range, tilt=tilt, shear=shear, **kwargs, ) elif extraction_type == "normalize": # TODO # Prepare normalized flat field image if necessary # These will be passed and "returned" by reference # I dont like it, but it works for now im_norm = np.zeros_like(img) im_ordr = np.zeros_like(img) blaze, _, _ = optimal_extraction( img, orders, extraction_width, column_range, tilt=tilt, shear=shear, normalize=True, im_norm=im_norm, im_ordr=im_ordr, **kwargs, ) threshold_lower = kwargs.get("threshold_lower", 0) im_norm[im_norm <= threshold_lower] = 1 im_ordr[im_ordr <= threshold_lower] = 1 return im_norm, im_ordr, blaze, column_range elif extraction_type == "arc": # Simpler extraction, just summing along the arc of the order spectrum, uncertainties = arc_extraction( img, orders, extraction_width, column_range, tilt=tilt, shear=shear, **kwargs, ) slitfunction = None else: raise ValueError( f"Parameter 'extraction_type' not understood. Expected 'optimal', 'normalize', or 'arc' bug got {extraction_type}." ) return spectrum, uncertainties, slitfunction, column_range